Customer service tips that’ll keep your customers happy

Customers/ Clients are the most important part of a business venture, they are the lifeline, and can either make or mar your business. So, keeping them happy and satisfied is high on any entrepreneur’s priorities list. The majority of clients’ complaints revolve around bad customer service and management, here are some things you can do to keep your customers happy every single day!


Attend to every client/complaint courteously: Because you don’t know who will bring you that major deal in the future, it is very important that you listen attentively, and respond courteously to everyone, irrespective of how annoying or trifle they might be. Attending to your customer’s needs no matter how little, shows them how much you value their patronage and input.

Reach them at their comfort zone: The best place to get your clients attention and steal their hearts is their comfort zone.If you know that most of your target audience uses a particular social media platform or live in a particular place, let’s say the school hostel; go to the sites or visit them in their rooms when they’re relaxed and ask for feedback concerning your goods\services. Adding a personal touch also helps a lot, for example, always send thank you cards/gifts when customers make another purchase or refer someone else (a discount on next purchase, call or text message can also suffice).  Try to chat with your clients to create rapport and build a loyal customer base.

Pay attention to what they are saying about you and your business: Paying attention will separate you from your competitors because the insights you gain from customers’ feedback will help you improve your business. Let your clients know that their feedback is always welcome, and when they observe that you’ve worked on it, they’ll be more inclined to come back whenever they need your goods/services.

Follow up: Businesses grow best when they become known for their stellar customer service. People will always remember your high level of service and if there’s one thing that reinforces this, it is following up with clients to know whether they’re satisfied with the resolution of their complaints or inquiries.


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With these few tips, you can keep current customers happy and they are more likely to return to your business and refer your company to other potential clients.

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