Tips on how to juggle 9-5 and other responsibilities

Tips On How To Juggle 9-5 And Other Responsibilities

Tips On How To Juggle 9-5 And Other Responsibilities

Balancing work and other responsibilities, especially as a young adult, is not an easy task. There are going to be times when we can’t be at work because we have to care for a loved one or deal with other maintenance issues.

No one strategy works for everyone and some strategies won’t work for you at all. However, you might want to try these three tips:

  1. Speak with your supervisors or co-workers; Don’t feel reluctant to open up to your colleagues at work. Many of your co-workers may have had related experiences, you will be surprised by their willingness to lend a hand. Use your best judgement to decide what is appropriate and most important to share. Your goal is to help others recognize your situation and be willing to help. Take advantage of those that will help you with work/life balance.
  2. Be the best version of yourself at work; While you’re at work, focus on your job. Use your commute time to transition between work and other Strive to leave personal issues at home and work issues at work. Learn to pick up each set of concerns when you return to that setting. Prioritize what’s most and least important at work, too. Delegate or postpone less significant responsibilities.
  3. Practising healthy self-care is key; Self-care boosts your physical, mental health, and work performance. Sleep for at least seven hours at night, eat healthy food, cut down on junk food and excessive eating or drinking, exercise from time to time. Breathe deeply for at least three minutes each day. Whether it’s meditation, prayer, journaling, seeking those who empower and build your confidence, whatever you do to care for yourself will improve your capacity to juggle work and other responsibilities.
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As difficult as it can be at times to keep everything in perspective and balance work and life, it’s possible to do so. And with the help of the three tips listed above, you are well on the right path.

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