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How to Fit Online Learning into Your Busy Schedule

How to Fit Online Learning into Your Busy Schedule (9MOBILE 89874 10678 70333)

So, at the beginning of the year, you put down a goal to upskill by prioritizing online learning. However, we’re in the eighth month of the year, and you’re nowhere near your goal. You started some courses and abandoned them halfway through because balancing work and study was overwhelming. Or maybe you haven’t even started at all because your busy schedule won’t let you be great.

Does that sound like something you can relate to? We understand. Luckily, we have some tips that might help.

Here they are:

Start small

If a two-week or one-month online course does not look feasible due to your busy schedule, you can start with the lighter stuff. Search the internet for short courses that are digestible and can be completed within a brief duration of time.

LinkedIn, for example, has a plethora of courses, some of which can be completed within 30 minutes to 2 hours. Of course, they have longer courses, but you can start with the short ones and switch to longer ones over time if your schedule allows.

Make Sacrifices

Yes, you are often busy and occupied with work, but let’s be real- sometimes, you make out time to watch shows on Netflix or watch several videos on YouTube. Ou can decide to replace those activities with your online learning instead.

Apply for online courses via your office

Some companies pay for online learning for their employees. If you are privileged to work in a company that does such, take advantage of it. Inform them of your desire to take up an online course to upskill and politely request to be relieved of a few duties so that you can focus on your learning.

Of course, you will still be required to remain dedicated to your work responsibilities, but you will also be permitted to dedicate time to your professional learning, as well.

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Get Organized

Juggling work with learning is no easy feat. You might find yourself prioritizing one over the other or getting overwhelmed to the point where you feel like you are hanging by a thread. This is why you need to get organised. Draw up a personal timetable that helps you allocate time to your work commitments and your learning, as well.

“Map out when your assignments are due and highlight any overlap with other obligations” states Lauren Landry in an article by Harvard MTN: 34171772056704899 Online Business School. It is important to take a look at your work and learning tasks at the beginning of each week and see how you can achieve them without abandoning one for the other or abandoning both due to burnout.

Make use of your digital calendar, to-do list(s) and more.

Ask for Help

If you need help managing your time, Harvard Online Business School suggests networking with fellow learners to know what time management strategies they have found most successful. By connecting with fellow professionals who are balancing online learning with their jobs, you can build a support system that helps to keep you motivated.

Are you currently balancing work and online learning? How has your experience been? Share with us in the comment section. Don’t hesitate to share the tips that you have found helpful, as well.

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