A man with his hand over his mouth, looking shocked

Ten Shocking Ways You Discover That You Are Now An Adult

Let’s be real, adulthood hits you in different ways, and no matter how ‘prepared’ you think you are, you are still bound to get shocked and surprised each time.

Here are some shocking ways your adulthood MTN: 30878836556426555 dawns on you:

That Back Ache

You know what we’re talking about. All those hours spent, hunched over your desk studying, working, designing images, working on spreadsheets and more, start to take an insidious toll on your back, and before you know it, you’re letting out a little ‘ye’ each time you get up. How rude of our bodies to betray us like that.

Younger folks start giving you titles

You’re only 24 but kids and teenagers are already calling you ‘uncle’ or ‘aunty’. It’s even worse when they start asking you questions like “what does it feel like to be old?” or “are you married yet?”.

Excuse me?

You have to start funding your own life

Do you need new clothes? You have to use your money.
Do you want to issue a new passport? You have to use your money.
Need a new laptop? Your money.

You actually watch people grow

Remember how people would see you for the first time in months or years and express surprise at how much you’ve grown? Well, now, you’re the one getting surprised at how fast your cousins and younger family friends are growing.

Feeling tired all the time

You’re still in your youthful years but, somehow, you find yourself missing the energy and liveliness of your youth- where you could play football for two hours or run around your house multiple times. Now, you wake up after a six-hour night’s sleep and you feel even more tired than you did before you went to bed.

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You Hate Loud Places and Noise

Well, this doesn’t apply to everyone. But let’s face it, sometimes, you just want some quiet. You get so upset when others blast music from their speakers or talk loudly on the phone, even though you did that a lot when you were younger.

You constantly have the struggle of wondering what to eat

Lunchtimes can be stressful because you find yourself ruminating over what to eat, especially if you work in an office. You’ve tried to draw up a timetable, but it still hasn’t worked. 😩

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