A man with a woman and child

Childhood Memories: Things That Happened When A Visitor Was At Home

Childhood Memories: Things That Happened When A Visitor Was At Home (GLO 30565 07220 08709)

Every now and then, as a kid, there were moments when a visitor would show up at your doorstep (announced or unannounced). Within the short period of time they spent in your home, there were some hilarious and memorable things that happened.

Which of them do you remember?

Hearing ‘you are now a big boy/ girl oh’

If you had a dollar for every time a visitor told you this while growing up, you’d probably be worth a million dollars by now. But now that you’re older and watching children grow before your very eyes,  you can surely understand why you heard this statement often.

Entertaining guests with photo albums

Remember when your parents would bring out all the photo albums with your throwback pictures to entertain visitors. You’d watch them flip through your cute and embarrassing pictures- from your naming ceremony to your first birthday, a picture of you crying on Father Christmas’ lap, a picture of you biting into a piece of chicken and holding a giant bottle of Coke and more. 😂

Watching your parents give the visitors special treats

Do you remember when you’d watch your mum bring out special biscuits, cookies and juice (especially the ones you begged her to give you and your siblings some days ago) from her room to give the visitors? Sometimes, you didn’t even know those treats existed and you were surprised to find out that you had such at home.

Receiving cash gifts at the end of the visit

Now, this was undoubtedly the most exciting part of having guests over. The generous ones always had wads of cash to give you as they were taking their leave. A wad of 100 naira notes here and some 500 naira notes there. Of course, your parents probably told you that they’d keep the money for you and that was the last time you ever saw the money. 😂

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Sneaking around to drink and eat leftovers

Now, if you were a really mischievous kid, you’ll probably remember waiting for your parents to escort a visitor out, so that you and your siblings could take sips of the juice or eat leftover biscuits that the visitor left behind. If you did this, raise your hand ✋💀

Being forced to entertain guests with your ‘talents’

Sometimes, you’d be asked to recite the alphabets from A to Z, sing a nursery rhyme, play the flute or even define some words, to impress the guests with your talents and intellect.

You, When You Found Out That This Visitor Would Be Spending Some Days in Your House:


You thought they’d just spend some hours but they showed up with a packed bag. Ready to spend some nights.

Having to behave like a good child by force

Your parents gave you a stern warning to be on your best behaviour while the visitor(s) was around. You had to greet properly, say ‘thank you’, sit down quietly and in one place. If you did otherwise, you’d be in big trouble.

However, immediately the visitor took their leave, you were back to your usual shenanigans. 😅

What other memories do you have? Share with us in the comment section!

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