Plates of food

Here Are Some Things That Picky People Can Relate To

If you’ve ever had to go to multiple stores to find a specific brand or deal with the stressful procedure of taking out ingredients you didn’t like, from a meal you bought, you know that being a picky person can be pretty frustrating—and it’s not always your fault.

If you’re a picky person, here are some things we’re fairly certain you can relate to:

You can tell the difference between similar, everyday things

You know the difference between different brands of water, based on their tastes. While others can drink any brand—because they believe they all taste the same, you can’t. This goes for things like

You spend a lot of money

You might find yourself spending a lot of money because the things you like tend to be more expensive than others. You wish you didn’t have to spend so much cash, but the cheaper alternatives do not cut it for you.

You’re hard to please

Whether it’s food, clothes, drinks or perfumes, your limited tastes make it difficult for people to please you. You are hardly ever satisfied and this makes people think you’re conceited.

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People find it hard to get you gifts

People have to sneak around and use tricks to find out what you want for your birthday because they know your tastes are different and hard to guess. Sometimes, people just end up giving you money.

Shopping can be pretty frustrating

Shopping is extra stressful and frustrating for you because you have to sift through all the items to find what you actually like. If a store doesn’t have the particular brand you desire, you don’t mind scouring through different stores to find it. And if you don’t, you have to force yourself to go with a brand you don’t like or forget it entirely.

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,h3>You have to cook your own meals

If you’re a picky eater, you’ll certainly be used to making your own meals because no one else can make what you like. This can be pretty stressful because sometimes, you just want to be pampered.

Making food orders is a long process

When you’re placing orders (physically or virtually), you have to be specific about all the things you want/ do not want in your food. Some of the outlets you order regularly from already know that your orders are ‘special’, so you don’t need to tell them. And when you can’t customise your order, you spend a lot of time taking out the things you do not like.

If you’ve ever had to go through the rigorous process of taking out onions from jollof rice or removing cabbages from your salad, you can certainly relate to this.

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