An image of cars stuck in traffic

Are You A Regular Latecomer? This Is For You

Some people are pretty punctual. They always get to their destinations early or just at the nick of time. Not you, though. Arriving earlier seems to be a ‘superpower’ to you because you just don’t understand how others are able to do so, while you can’t.

If you belong to this ‘WhatsApp group, this is for you:

You can’t wake up early, no matter what

You’ve tried everything- setting multiple alarm clocks, sleeping early, exercising and even eating certain types of food, but you still end up going late for work, lectures or events.

You wake up early but you still end up late

You wake up at 5;30 am but you spend an extra 45 minutes using your smartphone in bed, 30 minutes taking your bath and brushing your teeth, 25 minutes dressing up and before you know it, you’re late. Oops.

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You have an archive of excuses

You have all kinds of excuses tucked away for when you need them: I’m not feeling well’, ‘I was stuck in traffic’, ‘I had an emergency’, ‘I had to dash to the hospital’. Just say the truth, dear.

Traffic is your worst enemy

The worst thing that can happen to you when you’re running late, is to get stuck in traffic. Even 10 minutes in traffic feels like an hour when you’re late. You find yourself tapping your feet nervously, biting your nails and hoping that your manager/ supervisor doesn’t call you.

You’re always racing against time

Your resumption time is 9:00, but it’s 8:55 and you are wondering who will get to the office at 9:00 on the dot- you or the clock. 😂

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Sometimes, you don’t even care anymore

Have you ever been in a situation where you were extremely late and you just couldn’t even bother to rush because you knew that you wouldn’t make it on time anyway?

It’s a miracle when you arrive early

Your colleagues clap for you when you come to work on time. You even have people asking you things like ‘did they kick you out of the house?’

You miss out on good stuff, sometimes

You’ve heard the statements ‘you should have come earlier’ or ‘you came too late’ more times than you would love to admit.

People never ask you to plan anything

Your friends and family members know that you are always late, so they never ask you to organise parties or meet-ups. Yikesss.

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