An image of a wallet, a phone, a bunch of keys and a car remote, a cup of tea on a saucer, a notebook and more, on a table.

These Seven Items Always Seem To Go Missing, So We Spoke To Them

You’re running late for work or class but just as you’re heading out the door, you remember that you left something behind. You look for it at its usual spot but it’s not there. You search under the bed, look in between chairs, throw your pillows on the ground, scatter your well-made bed, almost turn the house upside down before you find it.

Or maybe in your case, you’ve just noticed that a certain item keeps going missing.

You know the feeling, don’t you? Well, here are seven items that almost always leave us in this situation.

We’ve gathered them together to reprimand them on your behalf. Trust us, we gave them some stern words they will never forget.


Hi socks, we’ll start with you because you’re obviously the number one culprit. For some weird reason, one of you always decides to depart the other. Why is that? We open our drawers and choose the pair we want to wear for the day. We find one of you but your second half always seems to be on the run. The worst part is that you won’t own up and tell us where your partner-in-crime went. This game of hide-and-seek needs to stop, please. Even if both of you are fighting, we shouldn’t have to suffer for it.


House keys, car keys and office keys- you all have one thing in common (and it’s not the fact that you open stuff 🙄): you somehow always seem to go missing when we’re already late and in a hurry, making us spend minutes searching for you.

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Also, why do you always choose to hide in the places we least expect to find you – under our car rug, in one corner of our bags (where we can hear you jingling but we still can’t find you), in our fridges (how did you even get in there?) and sometimes, in the kitchen cabinet? Before you say anything, it’s your fault for going missing and not our fault for being careless. It’s never our fault.

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Where do we begin? Of all things to go missing, you’re the most important, so why do you do this? You contain our money, ATM cards, receipts, driver’s license, National ID and all that. And then you have the guts to go missing when we need you the most? Such audacity.


A pair of glasses placed on a laptop.

Photo by K8 on Unsplash

You’re wicked. That’s it. You’re a villain.
We literally need you to see. We can’t work on our laptops, use our phones or read things without you, so why exactly are you always disappearing? And you know we can’t see without you, so how do you even expect us to find you? Stop this with immediate effect, please.


You’re a very special breed and we don’t mean that in a good way. How are you people always leaving your families, one after the other? One week, you are five forks in number and the next week, you have reduced to two. Are you people travelling or what? Less of this, please. We can’t be searching for you every time, especially when we have guests over. Stop it, abeg. And no, we’re not careless; you’re just stubborn.

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TV Remote

Do you know how many times we have missed the first few minutes of football matches, TV episodes and movies simply because you decided to go hiding? Don’t you have a conscience? And why are you so obsessed with the corner of the sofa? What are you looking for there? This is your final warning.


A mobile phone

Photo by Oscar Nord on Unsplash

Your saving grace is that we can always use someone else’s phone to find you. Still, don’t you feel an ounce of guilt when you hear us shouting ‘has anyone seen my phone?’ frantically? Why don’t you just stay in one place instead of moving up and down like a child? Stop stressing us, please. Okay, we’ll say it kindly- please stay in one place. You know you are expensive to replace and the economy is harsh, dear.

What other item do you think we should give a piece of our minds? Let us know in the comment section.

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