A young female driver looking stressed

What Type of Driver Are You?

If you drive a car regularly, you’ve probably developed a personality or habit that comes out every time you get behind the wheel, especially in a country like ours where everyone’s always rushing to get somewhere and expressing their frustrations in different ways.

Well, it’s the moment of truth, whether you’re the type time to know what category of drivers you fall into.

Note: There’s no ‘professional’ driver on this list because let’s face it- no one is.

The Clueless One


You’re winging the whole driving thing because you have no idea what you’re doing. You don’t know the names of more than half of the parts of the car and you’re probably the worst person to meet for driving lessons.

All you’re concerned about is going out and coming home safely, even if other drivers insult you or cuss you out because of your bad driving habits. Maybe it’s time to go for a refresher driving lesson. Just saying.

The Road Rager


You become a completely different person behind the wheel. You can’t take a 30-minute drive without shouting at someone or insulting someone. You’re either angry at other motorists, pedestrians, traffic officials or the state of the roads. If your car could speak, it would probably tell you to shut up 😂

The Amateur F1 Driver

You’ve spent way too much time watching Formula 1, Fast & Furious movies and playing Need for Speed, that you’ve become obsessed with driving fast. The people who ride with you often have to hang on to their roof handles and say a quick prayer because of your intense driving. Be calming down, abeg.

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The Shopper

You buy everything and anything in traffic- biscuits, puff-puff, small chops, plantain chips, groundnuts, clothes, portraits, books, CDs and any other thing that catches your eye, especially during traffic. You just can’t help it.

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The Neat Freak

Your car is your baby and you hate to see it dirty. You give people hand sanitisers when they get in your car, you tell them not to throw wrappers on the floor and you always tell them to clean the soles of their shoes to avoid staining your carpets. Honestly, we can’t blame you.

The Multi-Tasker


You can do anything while driving- wearing your clothes, applying your makeup, attending meetings and even eating breakfast. The worst place to multitask is the road. Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road, always. It’s for your safety and that of other motorists and pedestrians.

The Contentious One

You’ve gotten down from your car to engage in a screaming match with another motorist a couple of times. You always call people out on their bad driving habits even though you’re just as bad as them. Whenever you get into an altercation with other motorists, you always defend yourself and you believe you’re always right, no matter what. Less of this in 2021, dear.

The Easy-Going One


You hate stress. When you get behind the wheel, you just cruise, listen to music or a podcast and enjoy your ride until you get to your destination. Even when everyone is acting out on the road, you maintain composure. You must be a joy to ride with.

So, what type of driver are you?

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