Plastic Bottles

The Effect of the Demand for Inorganic Materials and Its Production on the Environment

By Olumide Adewuyi

Generally, human choices and needs are based basically on the comfort that will be derived from a certain phenomenon. Ever since the existence of man, there has been a correlation between its activities and the environment. Year-in- year-out, dynamism is taken place all over the world which is influenced by Improvement in technology and the level of development. In other to boost the economy and to increase growth, Consumption and Production must not be overlooked. The production of goods and services are meeting the needs of individuals that are able to command the basic necessity of life.

Over the years, humans have adapted to diversifying by looking out to what could benefit themselves and the economy. With respect to consumption and production, there has been a great increase in demand for commodities moving to the extent of exportation and importation. No one could ever believe that all efficient material resources cannot be produced within the boundary of an economy. Moreover, there are still some commodities that are produced within the boundary of an economy but due to expanse and build-up, some economy still gives room for the importation of locally made goods.

Every economy experiences a wide range of growth because of its massive level of production and exportation, many foreign industries have established.

Plastic as an inorganic material has taken over the production activities of the Nigerian economy, the demand for plastic is high to the extent of it becoming a material that must be consumed 166 times in a year by an average human being. With respect to the quick consumption of plastic bottle, in 2020 the plastic industry globally will grow to $1.2 trillion dollars. Irrespective of the locally made product that contains the plastics, there is still a larger percentage of importation of this in-organic material. For example Sachet water was introduced in the 1990s In Nigeria with a low price, it has also become one of the commodity that a Nigerian household cannot do without. Over the years has the demand increased, the production has also increased with respect to the price. The law of demand (the higher the price the lower the quantity demanded) might not work here because individuals are willing to buy more of the commodity.

When plastic bottles were fully introduced in Nigeria only a few wanted to purchase them because they are money demanding, but when different beverage companies begin to come into place, the demand for plastic bottle increased. Following an increase in the price of these commodities directly or indirectly every average human n consumes nothing less than 166 plastic bottles in a year. Knowing that they are still produced locally most countries still import them as a means of revenue generation.

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The production and consumption of inorganic materials bring revenue but the disposal brings a problem because every in-organics now constitute the larger part of waste disposal. Despite the information that all in-organics should be disposed of properly, they still serve as a mess up to our environment. Considering the fact that it sector cannot be neglected likewise, we cannot hinder or put a stop to the production and consumption of it. Jobs are created from it, which depends on the livelihood of a citizen. Its demand increases day by day. We can only advocate for a solution on how it can be reduced, many countries have tried to eradicate the use of plastic, but if that is done in Nigeria, we’re moving forward to increasing the level of unemployment. Different Organization (Profit and Non-profit) create awareness in other to curb this indiscriminate act. Some do voluntary activities just to make sure we make the planet a better place to live for future generations.

Most Inorganics do not bio grade, so they will remain in our environment forever. When plastic degrades, toxic chemicals in the plastic are released into the environment. Any plastic that makes it to the environment will stay in the environment, forever harming wide life in the future. We must be responsible for every action that can kill the planet.

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