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The Internet Money Doublers: No Free Meal

By Kalu Chekwas Victor

The ever dynamic attributes of human nature have led to substantial technological advancement. Development has skyrocketed and those with the right information have taken lead. The focus is, therefore, to rejuvenate our subconscious mind into the realities of the recent happenings on the internet world in other not to lose our hard-earned resources to the ever-increasing dubious fellows who have chosen to reap where they did not sow.

As the world population keeps expanding, technology continues to improve and the quest for riches keep skyrocketing. Social media has therefore taken precedence. It has become a global village where topics of interest keep trending as each day evolves. From Facebook to WhatsApp and from Twitter to Instagram and on all other social media platforms, you see vibrant youth discussing or engaging in an unending argument. Some are discussing politics, others keep defending their religion, some are strategically listing ways of coming out of poverty while others see it as a good avenue to market their product.

At the other side are some group of individuals who have sworn on making sure people lose their hard-earned money. They keep reinventing dubious ways and schemes which are geared towards manipulating and/or luring unsuspecting social media users into putting their rigorously hard-earned money into such schemes under the disguise as “investment.” They bring up yummy promises that will be difficult for a greedy common man to disregard. They promise an unimaginable return on investment ranging from 30% to 50% while others even go as far as promising to give a full 100% return on investment.

In recent past, we hear of such unethical practices whereby individuals are deceived into believing that money can be doubled by washing with some sort of chemicals or increased in less than a day by putting it some illegitimate schemes. Little did we know that such unwholesome practices would find their ways to the social media world.

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However, the current economic situation in the country that’s characterized by absolute hardship, continuous inequality, rasing unemployment and unending increase in prices of common food items makes many fall prey to such schemes without giving it a second thought to think thoroughly on the genius and/or originality of such “too good to be true promises.” It is worth stating that whenever a statement sounds too good to be true, then it is; and one should therefore trade with caution.

Another disheartening truth is that many individuals who are not too close to poverty still fall prey to these fraudsters either by trust or by greed. Many are perpetrated by friends of whom they trusted so much, while others are just too greedy. A good friend of mine who refused to listen to all my counsel sadly disclosed to me how he lost all his fortune to these scammers who promise to give him 50% return every four days for doing absolutely nothing. “How can a firm give you 50% every four days for doing absolutely nothing?” I have earlier asked him, but all my questions and friendly counsel failed on deaf ears. All thanks to the adage that says “he whom the gods want to kill, they first made mad.”

Now, almost all social media are filled up with such people roaming the platforms like a lion looking for whom to devour. Begging and persuading people to come and join them to make money. Only an insane person or a criminal will keep begging you to come and join them to make money. Hence, whenever anyone pressurizes you to come and make money, you’re surely going to be the source of their wealth.

The truth remains that there is no free meal in any good restaurant. Individuals should keep off from such unethical practices of making money. There’s no need denying the fact that there is a total presence of abject poverty in the country, but that shouldn’t take out our common sense of reasoning. Every day we hear of one sad news or the other of people losing their possession that took them years of diligence and persistent energy to gather- all lost within a blink. Greed is the mother of all substantial fraudulent activities and needs to be watched closely.

My close analysis suggests that following these articulated steps below will help save individuals from such evil internet money magicians:

  • Be sure everyone you chat with on social media is someone you trust.
  • Always ensure that every site you log in to is secure by making sure it has an “s” at the end (HTTPS and not HTTP).
  • Be wise enough not to disclose your full personal details to someone you barely know online. It may be the beginning of your crisis.
  • Make sure your status and updates on all social media platforms are thoroughly read before posting so as not to share your personal information.
  • Avoid any money doubling schemes that promises a mouth-watering profit for absolutely doing nothing.
  • Money isn’t gotten at a platter of gold, if not, everyone will be rich.
  • Technology has advanced so you too should. Be careful of the groups you join on each social media platforms and make sure of what you say.
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It is pertinent to state that information is what differentiates the successful person from the unsuccessful. Your gadget can either be your boom or your doom. It can either bring riches unto your doorsteps or take away money from you. History, they say, repeats itself because people don’t learn from it, they only memorize historical dates and forgets what actually happened at those dates. If not, how do you explain the rationale behind the thinking of people who still fall victims to these online fraudsters after the popular MMM rendered so many people penniless?

Just as water keeps one from dehydration, information keeps one updated on the recent happenings. As such:
Always ensure that all your banking details are safe from all public domain online.
Do not disclose your personal banking details to anyone on any social media platform.

Invest only on businesses with credibility that you can understand and trust.

No one likes poverty and no one prays to be poor. In fact, Bishop Justice Kojo Bentil said: “If you love poverty then the devil is your friend.”

Nevertheless, only a few can boldly take steps towards improving their lives. Mother Teresa once said “when a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed.”
Thus, the rationale behind this little piece is to give the “him or her” that mother Teresa was talking about what they needed, and it is apposite to disclose that it is not just money that they need, thou money is of utmost importance. But just like P.J O’Rourke once said: “you can’t get rid of poverty by giving people money.” What they actually need is timely information.

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Permit me to categorically state at this point that before you venture into any business, take enough of your time to study the business, go for training sessions and equip yourself. Always remember that “there’s no free meal.”

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