An old, covered, charred, blackened pot burning on a burner on an electric stove. The flame is on the outside of the pot rising from the burner.

Are You A Terrible Cook? This Is For You!

Cooking is a basic life skill that is learnt over time. However, while some people get better at it, some others just can’t seem to get a hang of it.

If you’ve had your fair share of cooking fails such as burning the whole pot, making soggy rice and making an absolute mess in the kitchen, this is for you:

You always make burnt offerings

Burnt Chicken

You mostly end up burning your food because you don’t time it correctly, or you get carried away, watching TV or using your phone.

Even simple meals are difficult to make

Close-up of burnt toasts in a toaster

You’ve burned your toast more times than you can remember. Your eba is either too soft or too hard. You can’t seem to make a hard-boiled egg properly and meals like pap and custard always end up in disaster. Na wa oh.

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You spend most of your money buying food

Due to your poor culinary skills and cooking disasters, you have to buy food from restaurants and fast-food joints, which eat deep into your pockets. If you were to pull out all your receipts, you’d probably shed a tear.

When your friends and family want to come over and you have to cook for them:


You panic when people come over and you realize you have to cook for them, as a good host. In most cases, you end up ordering food from a nearby restaurant or simply offering to take them out because you can’t come and kill yourself.

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Your cooking utensils have seen better days

Empty burnt pot with black bottom over the stoves

Your pots and pans are burnt and black at the bottom, your cutlery handles are melted and at least, one of your cooking burners isn’t working anymore, all thanks to your cooking. Don’t feel too bad; we all make mistakes after all. 😂

You even find it difficult to perform simple kitchen tasks

Even tasks such as microwaving or preheating food usually go the wrong way. You’ve done a lot of scrubbing and cleaning to your microwave or cooker due to your cooking disasters.

Your loved ones shudder every time you offer to cook


Whenever you offer to cook, your loved ones object or tell you not to bother, because they still haven’t recovered from your last cooking disaster. Sometimes, they’ll tell you politely. Other times, they’ll make fun of you. It’s hard out there for bad cooks, isn’t it?

You know absolutely nothing about seasoning


You don’t know how and when to use the seasoning in your kitchen, so you just throw in whatever you feel like, into your food. You’ve had your fair share of salty food and unseasoned food, from time to time.

You tend to waste a lot of food

Most of your cooking disasters end up in the trash can, even though you spent a lot of money on the ingredients. You even throw away vital items because you don’t know what to do with them (e.g stock)

What cooking disasters have you made? Let us know in the comments section! (This is a safe space, we won’t judge you)

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