life ethics

Before You Cross-Over Into 2021, Take Note Of These 6 Life Ethics

The positive impacts we make through our decisions and actions are the sum of our life ethics. Before we begin a new year, we make resolutions we intend to use as a guide in making the new year favourable and profitable.

It is essential to note these valuable yet very simple ethics to help shape our career, relationships, goals and other aspects of life.

Here are six(6) of them;

1. Before You Speak- Listen

life ethics

Sometimes we assume we know what the other person wants to hear and rush in before hearing them out. This kind of behaviour can create the wrong impression about you and you will end up not knowing how this potential client or colleague of yours is wired, or what to truly expect of him/her. Listening helps you understand better, have a clearer perception and helps you construe your words properly when you finally speak.

2. Before You Spend- Earn


There is a story about the different mentality between a rich and a poor man. Two farmers were given the same seed to plant. They planted it on the same day and watered it. As time went on, the plant grew and they were happy. Farmer A was hungry, so he ate his fruits and laughed at Farmer B for refusing to eat his. Farmer B kept watering and his tree grew so big and covered with fruits. Farmer A had nothing left, so he went to his neighbour. The farmer agreed to give him, as long as he paid for it. Hence, Farmer B started a lucrative business. Let your earnings work for you before you start spending.

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3. Before You Quit- Try

Two rats were thrown into two different buckets of butter. Rat A struggled to reach the surface, but he saw no hope as there was no escape route, so he gave up and drowned. Rat B on the other hand, wouldn’t give up, so he kept struggling. While he was getting tired, he noticed that the butter was getting thicker. So, he began to stir it vigorously, with all the strength he had left, until the butter had turned into a paste and he was able to climb out. Just like Thomas Edison failed 999 times, you two can keep trying, until you win.

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4. Before You Write- Think

A thought process begins before words are penned down. Organise your thoughts first, then pen down what you have come up with. This helps with strategic documents, setting goals, meeting targets and the likes.

5. Before You Pray- Believe

Pessimism has a way of damning you even before you begin. If you already believe you are going to fail, you just might. Be positive about your thoughts and what you can achieve, add your prayers to it and the sky will be your limit.

6. Before You Die- Live

It is not easy to look the other way when you see your peers or people even younger than you having better incomes and higher standards of living. In trying to meet up the entrepreneurial or career trends of this world, we sometimes forget to live. So, eat good food, sleep, exercise and spend time with loved ones. Just make sure you do all that in moderation.

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