How To Check Yourself Against Breast Cancer

Did you know that Breast Cancer Awareness Month began on the 1st of October and ended on the 30th? The annual international health campaign is organized to raise awareness about the disease and raise funds to prevent, educate and treat women.

We do not hope for such dreadful diseases that have been known to take lives, but we can contribute our quota by examining our bodies so that they can be spotted early and taken care of. Early screening and tests are important.

Using the National Breast Cancer Foundation guide, here are methods for every female to take while examining their breast;

1. Check Once Every Month

As much as it can’t be prevented, the key is to finding [find] it before it spreads. And that happens when the woman in question finds a lump herself. According to Johns Hopkins Medical Centre, 40% of diagnosed breast cancer are detected by women who feel a lump while examining themselves. Next, you continue by examining the proper way, which takes us to number 2.

2. Examine in the bathroom

Raise your hand above your head and fold backwards, leaving your breast exposed. Place the flat of your three middle fingers on your breast and press firmly. Check under the breast and around the armpit, feeling for a lump, thickening, hardened knot or any weird unexplainable change.

3. Mirror Examination

breast cancer

This is also important because it allows you to see what you may not feel, for example, discolouration or contours. While in front of your mirror, you should also check for strange dimples, changes in the nipples or swelling. Your hands should be raised for easy access too. Even though you do not expect your breasts to exactly match, if there are any new changes to the way it looked, you need to see the doctor to be sure.

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4. Lying Down Examination

The breast tissue spreads evenly along the chest wall when you lie down, says NBCF. You must have observed how your chest flattens out if you do not have a big bust. This will help make your examination even smoother. To do this, lie down flat on the floor, put a pillow under your right shoulder and raise your right hand, putting it over your head. Next, you place the flat of your left fingers on the right breast and move gently around it in a massaging motion. Repeat the same process for the left breast.

5. Squeeze The Nipple

If you are not a nursing mother or have never nursed a baby, a discharge from your nipple should be sending you off to the doctor’s office for a proper check.

6. Don’t panic

Not all lumps lead to cancer. It just might be pus, skin irritation or something else. While you shouldn’t ignore it, you don’t have to jump into conclusion and declare yourself a cancer patient. Visit your doctor.

7. Advise Other Women

To help spread awareness, share this article with your female friends and families or educate them with what you know. One step at a time, we can help manage breast cancer early on, thereby prolonging life for the better.

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