
Before You Start That New Career Path…

With the corporate world thrown into a frenzy and careers being lost or gained due to the pandemic, it is easy to jump at the first offer that comes your way. Pay cuts and downsizing are still rampant, and many are already seeking to switch jobs for better stability and income.

Job opportunities and businesses are springing up amidst the crisis. The corporate world has gone fully digital and is doing their best to adjust to ‘the new normal’. Jumping ship at this moment may not be a bad idea, but where you are jumping to should be scrutinized and evaluated with a microscopic view.

Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘From frying pan to fire’? Your career or business choices should not bring you down but elevate you to the next level;

1. Stick to the path

New career

Make sure that the career path you have chosen is one that suits you. One that can bring out the best in you. If you do not know what you are good at, then you need to find out first. Balance Careers teaches you how to make a career choice when you are undecided.

2. Does this role meet your qualifications?

You cannot be a professional in a role and accept the position of an intern to do the same thing in a different company for the same salary. Your CV needs not only to be bulky but should show steady growth in your field.

3. Power of negotiation

New career

Do not downplay yourself or feel asking too much would make you seem desperate. Know your worth, then ask for more than what you want. They need to understand that what you are bringing to the table is worth the amount of money you are asking for. They will eventually tell you the highest offer they can make.

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4. Will it lead to a managerial role?

In this digital age, you do not get a job so that you can pay your bills only. It is a stepping stone to fulfilling dreams and becoming someone to reckon with. The new job offer you are getting should be able to (after putting in 5 years of diligence) catapult you to a managerial position. In those five years, you’d have put in 10, 000 working hours. The career path had better be worth it.

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5. Your name is not Jack

new career

As much as we are talented and can do a lot of stuff. You need to choose one that will be out there and upfront. A company would instead hire Mr A who is a confirmed professional with years of experience than Mr B, who is a jack of all trades with little knowledge here and there. Your talents should not be abandoned, but you have to put your best foot forward and run with it.

6. Do not follow the money

Most times, slaving away at a job you do not like can bring in the money but no satisfaction. Whereas chasing your dreams can bring you happiness. Follow your passion and the money you seek will run after you.

7. There are better offers

Do not jump at the first company that says you are hired. Scout and be sure that there are no better offers than the one you have just received.

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8. Be ready

Stock up your CV. Do voluntary work, run courses online and get extra certifications. Just make sure you are ready for the new normal.

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