Happy African American Businesswoman Wearing Headphones, Looking at Laptop Screen, Having An Online Meeting With Partners Clients

The Hilarious Things That Happen During Online Meetings

Virtual meeting software like Zoom and Microsoft Teams have gained popularity for meetings and online lectures during the current era and as expected, things have been getting pretty awkward and hilarious.

Whether you use these online meeting platforms for work, family reunions or schoolwork, you might be familiar with the following experiences:

Waking up 5 minutes before the Zoom meeting time

The ultimate test to see how fast you can wash your face, get dressed up and set up the app in little or no time.

Disabling the video feature so you can get some sleep at intervals

Or if you’re ‘brave’, you can do it with the video on.

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This hilarious tweet about a Zoom feature gone wrong

How do you keep a straight face when something like this happens? 😂

When your co-workers start arguing with each other and you’re just sitting there like:

Is this a ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’ episode?

Staring at yourself during the Zoom meeting like

That awkward moment when the meeting is over and you can’t figure out how to leave without making it weird

It gets more awkward when it’s two of you left in the meeting

This tweet about the best Zoom background to ever exist

What a way to spice up the meeting and get everyone confused.

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When you get up to take something and you realize you aren’t wearing pants.

You, trying to find the best angle so your face doesn’t look lopsided

You’ve gotta get those angles right. Very important.

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