
Meet Michael Abiodun Nifemi, Our Flexxpreneur Of The Month

It’s the first week of a brand new month which means it’s time for us to introduce to you our latest entrepreneur. In this episode of the Flexxpreneur series, we had a chat with Michael Abiodun Nifemi, a Media Consultant and Brand Strategist who serves as the Creative Director of VERITY MEDIA

It was a very enlightening Flexxpreneur session where we learned a lot from Michael about his passion for Media and Brand Management. We wouldn’t want to leave you guys out of it so here is what went down with Michael our latest Flexxpreneur!

1. Let’s meet you (Your name and what you do)

My name is Michael Abiodun Nifemi, a Media Consultant and Brand Strategist – serves as the Creative Director of VERITY MEDIA a multi-platform media company with a focus on sports, culture, music, people and lifestyle.

As a brand, we offer a wide range of premium media products and compelling content across media channels such as 💦Digital Marketing 💎Branding ♦️Media Planning 🎙Audio 🎬Cinematography 📷Photography 🔮Graphic Design/Printing 🔴Web Design 🔘Contents Marketing offerings that appeal to a global audience.

2. How long have you been doing this?
Three (3) years

3. What inspired you to go into the business?
My passion and zeal for creativity, fashion, business and new challenges influenced me to choose this business finally. I had my computer training in early 2006 and started working with the same computer institute as an instructor after my graduation- this was immediately after my Secondary School education in 2007. This exposed me to the work environment earlier than my counterparts. I fell in love with what I did, and it became a passion. It has been a fantastic journey ever since.

4. What was your highest and lowest point since you started today?
My highest point! August 2019. My team and I went on an impactful trip to the eastern part of Nigeria (Ebonyi State), to empower and contribute to the growth of youths in the country by exposing them to INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) through a programme tagged “CISTDP19“.

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We had over 300 youths in attendance who were trained in ICT related courses for 3weeks. Participants were also exposed to business opportunities and challenges to look out for in different fields and excited to have done this, as it has always been my desire to give back to the society no matter how little.

My Lowest point! October 3, 2018, I invited a few of my friends to my birthday, hoping to share my business blueprint because of our years of friendship, we could work together as a team to actualise my vision. Little did I know that they would envy my idea. I was very discouraged, and because it was my birthday, it worsened the situation.

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5. What do you aim to achieve in the next 12 months concerning your business
I have always been working from home. So, I look forward to having a workstation for more physical business interactions, as well as training on different courses. Also, I hope to employ more hands, as our client base grows bigger.

6. What are your short and long term goals
My short-term goals for Verity Media is in 3years:
I hope to have at least 70% of client base geographically across Nigeria. Also, to set up a building (VERITY HOUSE) where mass production can take place while reducing unemployment and promoting youth empowerment. Also, I intend launching a new leather line.

My long-term goals for Verity Media is to become the best digital media brand known globally to provide digital media solutions to individual, private and government firms. Also, to have team players across the globe with the best health policy, leaving in verity homes with verity official cars and staff buses.

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7. Which individuals do you draw inspirations from and why?
Kim Garst is a social media expert who is always discussing the latest social-media-marketing strategies and sharing content from her excellent blog. She gives so much value, and her great spirit inspires me.

8. How do you unwind? 
I listen to music, play computer games as well as take a walk to see and explore the beauty of nature.

9. What advice would you give your fellow Flexxers who are on this path? 
To my fellow flexxers, first thing first, love what you do, and it will become your passion. Be committed and be consistent; learn to be flexible, versatile and functional to deliver results concerning time, speed and accuracy.

Don’t stop learning, network with the right connections and read lots of good books.

– What are your social media handles?
Instagram – @veritymedia
Facebook – @veritymedia
Twitter – @veritymedia1

Anything else you’d like us to know about you?
I Hold professional certificates in A+, SIIT, N+, N++, AIMS, KITs, Media & Communication (Model & Analysts).

A certified SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER in Customer Engagement, Promotion, Branding, Content Building, Media Planning and Analytics. Also, I hold a diploma certificate in DIGITAL CERTIFICATION PROGRAM in Digital Specialist, Web Trafficker, SEO/SEM Specialist, and Community Manager.


1. To participate in FCMB’s Flexxpreneur Series (“the Initiative”), participants must be aged between 18-30 years and have a running business.

2. To be featured in the series, interested participants are required to submit an entry in response to any of the “Calls to Participate”, which will be made intermittently on one or more of FCMB’s social channels and detail information on how to submit
3. Interested participants are required to send in the following within a week after the details have been requested:
– High-resolution images of themselves and their products/services
– List of their social media handles
– Answers to their interview questions

– Duly signed Flexxpreneur Agreement

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4. FCMB reserves the right to edit received interviews for grammatical correctness and suitability for its audience.

5. Submission of details does not guarantee that a participant will be featured in the Initiative. FCMB reserves the exclusive right to select those to feature and when they would be featured.

6. Participants will have their interview and products/services showcased on one or more of FCMB’s social media platforms, its Flexxzone WhatsApp groups and its microsite flexxzone.fcmb.com

7. FCMB’s decision in respect of all matters to have to do with The Initiative will be final and binding on all participants.

8. There is no fixed time as to when participant’s interview/pictures will be used. FCMB will, however, make every effort to notify participants one week before featuring their entries

9. FCMB reserves the right to use all creative assets including participant pictures, products/services image, interview and other materials related to The Initiative in promotion of its Flexx product.

10. By entering this initiative, participants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

11. FCMB excludes itself from all losses, expenses or damages that may be suffered or incurred by the participant as a result of participating in the Initiative.

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