Shot of a young student looking tired

A Six-Step Guide to Surviving Morning Lectures

Next to annoying roommates, impromptu tests and difficult lecturers, morning lectures (7 am classes, we’re looking at you) rank as one of the most frustrating things university students have to deal with.

On most mornings, it’s like there’s an angel on your right shoulder, telling you to go for lectures so you can mark your attendance and make your parents proud, while a devil rests on your left shoulder, telling you to go back to sleep because you’re not the one who killed Erwin Schrödinger, abeg.

If you’re not a morning person and you’re tired of struggling with morning lectures (especially in the middle of a pandemic), here are some ways to help you survive them:

Plan Your Outfit The Night Before


If you often waste a lot of time rummaging through your closet or pairing your clothes together in the mornings, you’ll be doing yourself some good by figuring it out the night before. It’s always better to decide and select your outfits the night ahead.

Pack Your Books and Other Study Essentials Too



Pack the books for your lectures together and put them in your bag the night before, no matter how lazy you feel. Telling yourself that you’ll do it in the morning isn’t always the best idea because in most cases, you could get clumsy and leave some things behind.

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Sleep Early


Sometimes, it’s incredibly tempting to stay up late to binge-watch a new show on Netflix, download a new movie or call your significant other. However, you’ll be ridding your body of some well-deserved sleep in the process. It’s advisable to go to bed on time, so you can wake up early, feeling rejuvenated, relaxed and ready to go to your morning lectures.

Set Alarm(s)


Alarms are super annoying, but they get the job done. However, there are instances where you might angrily hit snooze or not even hear it go off because you’re so deep in your sleep. This is why you should endeavour to set multiple alarms to wake you up at intervals. Another trick is to place your phone, tablet or alarm clock away from your bed so that it requires you to get up to turn it off.

Eat Breakfast


Okay, this seems next to impossible, but you can make it work. You don’t have to eat anything too heavy (so you don’t have to deal with a picture of you sleeping in class circulating the school 😂). A quick bowl of cereal or an on-the-go breakfast snack (such as a granola bar) will provide you with nutrients and ensure you don’t spend so much time making breakfast. It will also help to silence that ‘creature’ that growls in your stomach when you’re hungry.

Try to Keep A Positive Attitude


Movie characters often look corny when they give themselves some pep talk in front of the mirror while dressing up for a big event, don’t they? The gag is- those pep talks actually help. They are called positive affirmations and they’ll help to keep you motivated, especially on those mornings when you’re demotivated and would rather be sleeping. The affirmations don’t have to be too serious. Here’s one: ‘One day, I’ll be drinking coffee in my own Fortune 500 company and I’ll look back at days like this and smile’.

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