Money-Related Phrases

Ten Money-Related Phrases That Sound Better Than ‘I Love You’

While ‘I Love you’ is a fantastic phrase, there’s something about money-related phrases that seems to boost all your happy chemicals and put you in the right mood. If you love money (don’t we all?), you can attest to the fact that these phrases are like music to your ears.

Which of them is your favourite?

‘Send me your account details.’

It gives me endorphins meme

This phrase can turn a bad day to a good one in a second. There’s just something about credit alerts that sends endorphins through your body systems and boosts your serotonin levels.

‘I’ll buy it for you.’


Imagine ranting to your friend about how you’re about to buy something expensive, only for them to tell you that they’ll buy it for you. Whew!

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‘Keep the change.’


Remember when you were younger, and your favourite aunt/ uncle would tell you to keep the change after sending you on an errand? Sweet times.

‘I saw something I knew you’d like, so I bought it for you.’


Thoughtful, unexpected gifts are sweeter than honey.

‘We’ve decided to give you a raise.’


You smile and act calm as the HR manager gives you the good news. Meanwhile, you’re doing cartwheels and somersaults in your head.

‘Congratulations! You’ve won….’


Listen, winning free cash is one of the best experiences ever. It’s almost impossible to stand still when you read/ hear the good news.

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‘I’ll pay, don’t worry.’


YASSSSSSS. That’s what I’m talking about.

‘I sent you a little something.’


And that ‘little something’ turns out to be 100 thousand Naira. Love to see it.

‘I sent you some extra money.’


This slaps harder when you’re a student, and your parents decide to send you money when your account is on RED.

‘I felt like sending you cash.’


May you continue to feel like sending me money. So shall it be.

What are some other money-related phrases you love hearing? Share them in the comments section!

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