work from home

How To Keep Fit And Healthy While You Work From Home

Two of the most common habits that make it harder to keep fit and healthy while limiting your outdoor activity are overeating and oversleeping. With so much time to spare these days, we might get tempted to fall back to our regular, unhealthy habits.

But, hold on a second and note that too much sleep regularly can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and death according to several studies done over the years. Also, overeating can result in sluggishness, fatigue, the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

Since we can’t visit the gym just yet, what options do we have to keep fit and healthy while you’re at home?

1. Continue with your daily routine

work from home

You might not have to wake up by 5 am to prepare hurriedly for work, just so that you can beat traffic. But you can rise by 6 am and get busy. Do the usuals. Take your bath, clean up, prepare and have your breakfast. Move about, and sit up. This is to avoid moodiness and weakness from lying on the bed too much.

2. Stretch out

work from home

Do not remain in a position for too long otherwise; you can develop body pains. Stretching enables your muscles to work effectively, reducing your chance of injuries and improving your performance in physical activities.

3. Drop down and do some pushups

home work

You can do this by the side of the bed or your living room. All you need is a smooth floor. Pushups strengthen your muscles and enhance your cardiovascular system.

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4. Take up chores that require you to move

work from home

You can be lazy around for a day. But if you have to do it for a couple of weeks, then you should listen to the slang that says ‘Body go tell you’. Keep those muscles busy by moving about, lifting kettles filled with water, baking, washing dishes or clothes, ironing, sweeping, etc.

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5. Take-up skipping


Did you know that the effort it takes to jump rope for 10 minutes is the equivalent of running a mile in eight minutes? It’s okay if you can’t go out jogging, skipping is a full-body workout. It improves your mental health, boosts your immune system, improves bone density and muscle tone. All you need is a rope and space to jump.

6. Go up and down the stairs

Exercise from home

If you have a staircase, use it. Do not run or walk too fast to prevent you from tripping and falling. Take 10 to fifteen minutes, going up and down the stairs.

7. Keep your mind active


Play games that stimulate your mind, like chess, word games, elevate and so on. You can also add quizzes to the list. See Quizzes on Flexzone.

8. Eat healthily

eat healthy

This cannot be overemphasized. The food you eat will eventually have an overall effect on your wellbeing.

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