Watching TV

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly of Watching TV

How many episodes of Warrior Nun have you watched today on Netflix? Will you be embarrassed or proud to share how many hours you’ve spent watching television today?

While watching TV can be educational and entertaining, it has also been known to have negative impacts on the mind. Which is why we’ll talk about what to watch on TV and how long to watch it.

What then, are the good and bad reasons that arise from watching TV?

The Good

Good TV

1. Entertainment

Without TV, life can be somewhat bleak for some folks, especially people who like to be by themselves as we cannot all be out-going. Television tends to bring people together, e.g. a football arena with a big TV screen. Here, football lovers gather for fun, shouting along and networking.

2. Educative

Some competitions and topics go through local stations every day. Finding a suitable station to help expand your mind isn’t difficult.

3. Informative

Without TV or videos online, the rate at which we get and understand the news will be limited.

4. DIYs

These are the ‘Do it yourself’ shows. Without skills and crafts on TV, time and more money will be spent finding a place to learn a trade. Meanwhile, you can quickly flip through channels and happen upon a DIY for free.

5. Culture

Watching a show or event on TV can make you feel like you are a part of a culture so that when you mingle and network with others, you have a lot to talk about.

The Bad

Bad TV

1. Withdrawal/Antisocial behaviour

As much as some people like to be by themselves, becoming a complete loner where the TV becomes your only companion can be unfortunate and can cause one to lack communication skills.

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2. The wrong kind of exposure

The same TV you watch educational stuff is the same that spews sex, crime and violence. The shows and movies sometimes tend to portray these events as a healthy way of life, so that people start emulating them in the real world.

3. Poor time management

Because of TV shows, series and the likes, important projects have been pushed until further notice. The television is a significant source of procrastination.

4. Shrinks other hobbies

One could have been reading a novel, playing chess, writing, singing, painting and any other exciting hobby out there, but the television keeps the undisciplined pinned to their seat.

5. Self-esteem issues

Seeing all that glam on TV and not being able to be a part of it all, can result in inferiority complex or the imposter syndrome.

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The Ugly

Ugly TV

The television is addictive, and that’s why you can find people glued to it all day, which can also result in obesity. According to Dr Fancourt who spoke with Healthline, emphasizing that TV causes cognitive decline, explaining that it has to do with the rapid changes in images, sounds, and actions that your brain processes while you’re passively receiving information. Watching television for more than 3 hours a day can contribute to sleep difficulties, behaviour problems, lower grades, and other health issues.

The Way Forward…


We cannot get rid of the television as it has its benefits, but we can control what we watch, and the amount of time we spend watching. Discipline yourself and take up stimulating activities, board games, reading, acquiring a skill and the like.

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