How to be employable before graduation

Fact 1: Competition in the Nigerian labour market is tougher than ever

Fact 2: Employers look beyond certifications to hire people.

So what would attract employers to you the moment you leave school? Here are some fool proof tips to help.

Take an internship. Save the summer vacation trips for later and go work in an actual company. Doing this helps you discover what excites you in the work world and where you fit in. There is no such thing as the “wrong internship”, every internship; free or paid, adds to your experience and exposure.
Volunteer. So what happens if there are no internship positions within your reach? Try offering free services to people. Can you write? Write for organizations in your school. Are you a smooth talker? Anchor events for free. Who knows, you just might build a brand doing something you are a natural at.
Get Mentorship.
There’s nothing as priceless as having access to someone who has succeeded in a field you are interested in. This person can give you the inside scoop to what employers look for and even present you to potential employers when the opportunities arise. Take it from us, you are really as good as the 5 people you move around with.

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