Indoor Pollution

All That You Should Know About Indoor Pollution

Sarah, while indoor, woke up weak one morning to black soothes inside both nostrils. She had been exposed to air pollution, and she wondered about it until she realised some area boys had burned tyres on the streets the night before, causing the fumes to filter in through residences windows and affect their health, while they slept.

For the benefits of those who do not know, indoor pollution occurs when harmful or excessive quantities of substances are introduced into the home or wherever you are. Inadequate ventilation will increase the rates of indoor pollutants by not bringing in enough outdoor air to dilute indoor pollution and by not carrying outdoor air pollutants from the city.

Effects Of Indoor Pollution

indoor pollution

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), some health effects may show up shortly after a single exposure or repeated exposures to a pollutant. These include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. They are usually similar to those symptoms from cold and other viral diseases. Sometimes, the treatment can be as simple as a cease to the exposure of such pollutant.

However, it can be more dangerous than a little headache, mainly when constant exposure to these pollutants occur. It might even take a couple of years for effect to start showing. It can result in cases such as;

● Asthma
● Respiratory disease
● Lung cancer
● Heart disease

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Sources of indoor pollution are as follows;

● Smoke from firewood or a bad stove
● Fuel-burning combustion appliances
● Newly installed carpets
● Cooling system
● Furniture made of certain wood
● Pesticides
● Tobacco; cigarette, pipe, cigar
● Excess moisture
● Exposure to cooking gas
● Burning tyres and other outdoor pollution filtering in.

The Need For Adequate Ventilation

clean air

If too little outdoor air enters indoors, pollutants can accumulate to levels that may pose problems with health and comfort. But when your windows are opened, and you have a good ventilation system, the polluted air within will be let out, allowing you to breathe fresh air again and reducing your chances of being a victim of indoor pollution.

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