Young millennial using technology for his investment and on line banking.

Dreaming of An International Remote Job? Here’s A Guide

There are many versions of the Nigerian dream, but most of them involve earning in Dollars, Euros or Pounds. Of course, a great way to do this is to secure an international job, which might require you to relocate or work remotely.

If you’re interested in working remotely with a foreign company as a side hustle or even as a sole source of income, you should know that there are multiple opportunities available in high-demand areas of specialization such as software development, graphics design, digital marketing, technical writing, content writing, online tutoring and more.

The following steps will guide you on your journey to securing an international remote job:


upgrade and upskill phrase made from metallic letterpress blocks on black perforated surface

There are many skills in high demand globally, from writing to design to tutoring, software development and more. All you need to do is find one or two that piques your interest and work towards developing them. It’s essential to learn skills that are relevant and can be done remotely.

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Work towards developing these skills by taking online courses and tutorials from certified platforms such as Google, Udemy, edX, Coursera, LinkedIn and more. By doing this, you’ll be ensuring that you have something worthwhile to offer your prospective employer(s).

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Create A Solid Portfolio


To be sure you are the right fit for a job, most employers will require you to send them your portfolios. Your portfolio is a way of documenting and showcasing projects you have worked on and completed. This is a great way to ‘sell’ yourself to clients and convince them that you can do the job you are applying for. Depending on your skill, you can use online platforms such as Contently, Dribbble, Behance and more as a collection of your work.

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Build A Strong Network

Two people networking

A strong network will help you get ahead in whatever industry you are in. Reach out to fellow individuals in your industry, as well as professionals who have more experience than you. Join their communities, share ideas and comment on their work on social media, as well as leading platforms in your industry, such as Behance.

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By doing this, you will build a strong network of people that could help you with information about local and international job opportunities. However, ensure you aren’t on the receiving side only; you should share opportunities and prospects with them, as well.

Stay Active on Social Media


It’s no secret that social media is a great platform to discover and unlock opportunities. Ensure you follow top accounts and stay updated on the latest international remote job openings.

Sign Up to Remote Work Platforms

Vector Illustration of A Sign Up Page

Platforms like Freelancer, Upwork and Fiverr and more have helped to connect skilled freelancers and professionals to prospective clients around the world. All you need to do is sign up, and you can take it from there.

Practice Discipline and Time Management

Close up of calendar, alarm clock, pencil on the blue table background

Remote work requires a lot of discipline and time management. Since you will not be working with your clients physically, you will need to stay on top of your game and ensure you deliver work in time and meet deadlines. This is particularly important if the remote job is a complimentary side hustle.

Endeavour to manage your time wisely set weekly goals and avoid taking on more work than you can handle. Your level of discipline will ensure you impress your clients, get referrals and gain access to more opportunities.

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