
How To Stay On Top Of Your Courses Pending Resumption

When thrust into an unforeseen break, it is easy to relax and forget about school courses and class, until the school resumes its session again. But, this behaviour has a downside.

Beginning a course and leaving it halfway can cause you to forget all that you had previously learnt. This means that you would have wasted all that time spent in class, before the break. Even worse, is when you have to write exams not long after the break. You barely understand the courses, so you find yourself cramming instead.

To stay on top of your courses and ready to get back into the system, take these simple steps;

1. Get your materials


To study, you will need the required materials. Source out the textbooks, handbooks and online materials you can gather. This way, you’ve gotten rid of the first excuse. Now, you have a lot of stuff to read from, that is about your courses.

2. Set up a routine


Without a plan, you are likely to abandon the materials you have gathered until resumption day. Draw up a timetable that separates your study time from TV time, laundry, chores, errands and nap time. Make sure you pick a convenient study time.

3. Set up reminders


Remember that you are in your comfort zone. So, the chances of you forgetting to study are very high. Keep that alarm clock close to you and paste post-it on the fridge, as long as it helps you remember.

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4. Keep distractions at bay


We get enough distractions in class, not to talk of when you are at home, armed with your smartphone and laptop with quick and easy access to the internet and social media platforms. You have to be disciplined enough not to get sucked into these distractions. You can answer that chat or view the latest trends later. Once you have your materials downloaded or in front of you, put off your internet or switch to aeroplane mode. If you have to use the internet, put your phone on silent mode and ignore the messages.

5. Implement active studying


Track your progress by asking questions before you begin studying to know where you are. Ask questions as you study, to be sure that you’re getting it right. Then, ask questions when you’re done, to see how far you have come. You might not like exams and tests like many other students, but they are there to test your progress, plus there is no pressure this time as no one is watching you.

6. Have a study area


If you sit in the dining room, your siblings might distract you as they gist back and forth or play a game of scrabble right close to you. The dining might also be the most private and quiet spot in your house. Do not use your bed as your spot, because there’s a probability that you might doze off. Arrange your table and chair in your room, veranda or compound, as long as it is comfortable, and without distractions, you are good to go.

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7. Rest and Eat properly


This cannot be overemphasized. Do not spend the whole night watching movies and expect to wake strong and sharp for your studying the next morning. Sleep at the right time and eat healthy meals.

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