Portrait of young woman with a mask on her face

Coronavirus: Six Things That Will Feel Different When This Is Over

Since we’re all inside and away from our environment and social life, it’s going to be quite tough getting reacquainted with the outside world once things get better and the lockdown is over. It’s safe to say that things will never feel the same way after the Coronavirus pandemic. Our lives have been changed forever.

Here are some things we might need some time getting used to again:

Body Contact


Hugs, handshakes and kisses feel pretty illegal at this point, as we’re all practising social distancing to minimise the risk of infection. It’s tougher for those whose preferred love language happens to be ‘physical touch’. It would be quite interesting to see how we re-embrace it when all this is over.

Conventional Workspaces


Unless you work in essential services, you’ve probably been working from home for weeks, and you must have gotten used to being productive, even from the comfort of your personalised workspace. A lot of us might have to reacquaint ourselves with our work desks when the pandemic is over.



The pandemic gave rise to shopping terms such as panic buying and bulk buying, both of which are shopping habits that might be difficult to quit. Will we still be able to buy just what we need without fear of running out of items, even after the pandemic is over?

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We’re going to appreciate our freedom more than ever when this is over. The freedom to move, drive, run and soak in the beauty of nature. After so many weeks indoors, our freedom will never be taken for granted again.

Parties and Events


After months of social distancing, it would be interesting to see how we get back into the party spirit, especially in cities like Lagos. Are we going to continue to stay at least 1.5 meters away from each other or let go of our inhibitions to embrace ourselves?



Taking a walk, working out at the gym, driving, hanging out with friends, going to work and more. The effects of the pandemic will last, but in true human nature form, we will adjust.

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