Shot of a young woman listening to music while writing in her notebook

How To Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Let’s imagine you write for a living. You write pretty much everything- reviews, articles, blog posts, short stories, scripts and more. You’re continuously typing away on your computer, gazing at your screen, trying to convey your ideas in the best way possible.

You know you’re good at it— everyone tells you this, from your colleagues to your clients—but lately, you’ve been feeling drained and uninspired. You can’t seem to come up with new ideas, and you find yourself moving in circles, mentally. You’ve got tight deadlines, and your career is dependent on your creative ideas. What do you do?

Contrary to some opinions, creativity is essential for everyone in every sphere and industry. It involves originality, inventiveness, and more, and it helps you achieve great results, approach your work differently and avoid banality.

However, from time to time, you might find yourself somewhat hanging by a thread, struggling to think outside the box and finding it challenging to develop new ideas that help you carry out tasks effectively.

Are you stuck in this phase? Here are some tips to help you out and get your creative juices flowing again:

Go ‘Black & White’

Young lady writing in a book

You might need to skip your usual keyboard/ screen and dig out a notebook. Sometimes, going the conventional way of writing on a piece of paper is all you need to get inspired. You can get an idea or two by merely scribbling your thoughts or gliding your ink on the paper.

Try Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a technique that helps you organize the thoughts in your head so that you can create and generate new ideas. Here’s how it works: you start by writing or drawing a central theme/word on a blank piece of paper. Next, you develop sub-topics, associations and related terms and connect them to your central theme by drawing a line. For each sub-topic, you find similar words and join them, and so on.

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Mind MapSource: Simple Mind

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Play video games, watch a movie, listen to music, look up random videos on YouTube. You can get inspiration from unexpected places and even the most random things, so relax a bit and do something fun and exciting.

Let People Inspire You

Your next big idea could come from a friend, family member, colleague or even your online followers. Sometimes, all you need to do is talk to them, ask questions and gain some insights.

Exercise Your Creative Muscles


Take out some time from your daily activities to do some creative thinking. Put all distractions away, get a pen and paper or note-taking app and put down ideas. Try looking for alternative ways of doing things. You can take sentences, adverts, movie titles and try to rewrite or recreate them. Take up creative exercises that will help to strengthen your creativity each day.

Change Your Scenery


This might be irrational, considering we’re in lockdown but hey, don’t think too far ahead. You can decide to rearrange your room, work in a different area or take a walk in your compound.

Explore New Areas


Expand your knowledge bank by doing some research into unfamiliar subject areas. Read a book, listen to a podcast, watch enlightening and insightful videos too. Don’t limit yourself to a specific subject or mode of learning. You’d be surprised at how this will help you come up with new, fresh and creative ideas.

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Have A Creative Journal


Try to document your ideas as often as possible. Whenever you have a burst of creative energy, or an idea pops up in your head, put it down; no matter how unfinished, weird or boring it seems. By doing this, you’ll have an archive of ideas you can always revisit

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