Mental Health

Mental Health: Here Are Some Truths We Often Turn A Blind Eye To

Life, they say, is full of surprises. One minute, you’re happy and successful, the next you are spiralling and trying to get what’s left of your life.

What do you do when life doesn’t go as planned? Does your mental health break down? Do you fall into depression or do you make lemonade from the lime life has given you?

These are some of the truths we need to tell ourselves.

1. You will lose some

Mental Health

Growing up as a child, you can almost get away with anything, never truly knowing the meaning of failure. But as you mature, you start realizing you have to read to pass an exam. As an adult, you realize that in life, you win and lose some. Failure, no matter how much we detest it, is inevitable. When it does happen, you have to understand you can’t let it overwhelm and affect your mental health. Instead, you move on to the next big opportunity.

2. Not everyone will like you

You can be the most pleasant person. You probably are always smiling and being a do-gooder. Yet, there will be folks who still do not like you. They might be at your workplace, your competition, or coursemates. It is not your life mission to please everybody, what is more important, is you loving yourself and being the best you can be, for your peace of mind.

3. You will be labelled

Mental Health

Humans are bound to put a label on people they come across daily. Being labelled simply means how they see you. Labels can be good but there are bad ones too, like being called slow or not so bright. Your goal is not how they currently see you, but how you want to be seen. So, instead of sulking, put yourself to work and attain the level you seek.

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4. The test of time

Life is not as rosy as Instagram pictures. Challenges and trials will come to shake you. What will you do when people try your patience? How do you work with difficult colleagues? Do you quit school because you didn’t understand the course? Beyond the perfect picture, is a challenging story. So, stand the test of time.

5. The impostor syndrome

Mental Health

We usually call it ‘Fake life’. The Impostor Syndrome is a psychological pattern in which one doubts one’s accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a “fraud”. We see a lot of ‘On Fleek’ pictures on Instagram that tell us they are balling. If you actually try to measure your life based on these glam pictures and videos, you will be headed towards a mental breakdown.

6. There will be more successful people than you

You were probably better than Bayo in school, but he owns his own enterprise now and doing very well for himself. Should that give you a heart attack? On the contrary. It should motivate you to do what you possibly can and remember that times and seasons are different for everyone.

7. The pity party will move on

Self-pity isn’t pretty on anyone. At first, you might attract sympathizers, family and friends, people who genuinely care about you. But, once it becomes a general way of life for you, they will move on to better things in life. After all, no one wants to be associated with a pessimistic person for long. Mourn, when you have to. But when that season is over, pick up from where you left off. Take note of these simple steps and protect your mental health.

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