Shot of a young businesswoman with her head down on her office desk

Is Work Taking Over Your Life?

In this ever-busy world, achieving work-life balance is increasingly becoming a myth of some sort. If you’re a bit confused or overwhelmed about how much work is taking/ has taken over your life, here are some signs you should look out for.

Working Overtime (Continuously)


Spending more hours at work by staying late is a recipe for fatigue and stress. There might be certain scenarios that require you to put in some extra hours to meet a deadline or get some critical work done. However, if this becomes a habit, you’ll find yourself feeling exhausted all the time. Your efficiency at work is not determined by the number of hours you spend at work but by the amount of useful work you’re able to put in, during your stipulated work duration. It would help if you focused on your quality of work and time management.

Poor Sleeping Habits


Sleep is the body’s way of letting your system recharge and get some much-needed rest and rejuvenation. If work is depriving your body of sleep, it’s a significant sign of an imbalance in your work/life. Getting so invested in your work to the point where you can’t get enough hours of sleep (or can’t sleep at all) could harm your mental and physical health. It could lead to mood swings, lethargy and stress. It would be best if you worked towards creating a sleep routine that ensures you get enough hours of shut-eye.

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Replacing Free Time With Work


If you find yourself continually scheduling work or work-related activities into your free time, you might be on the verge of becoming a workaholic. It would help if you made your free time your ‘me-time’.
Relax, watch a movie, catch up with friends, read a book, go out for a fun time and more. Always remember you had a life before your current job, and it shouldn’t suffer because of it.

No Social Life


Your social life is just as important as your work life. Those moments you spend with friends and family, enjoying the simple things of life should not be sacrificed for anything else. It would help if you tried to spend time engaging in fun and relaxing activities that make you feel happy and fulfilled. You can work towards scheduling some time for social events if you’re always busy with work. Enjoy your life.

Forgetting Other Stuff


Spending way too much time at work and work-related events could result in you missing out on all the essential occasions in your life- your sibling’s birthday, a friend’s wedding, anniversaries, etc. You need to work towards managing your time so that you can pay more attention to your personal life.



If you always feel tired, stressed out, fatigued and exhausted, it could be a sign that you’re overworking yourself to the bone and work is taking its toll on your health. Excessive fatigue could affect your mood, productivity, sleeping patterns and more. Your body often tells you when it’s being pushed to the limit, so you must always listen to it and know when you need to slow down, step back and get some rest.

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