In Business: Getting Over Stage Fright

The more the years go by, the tougher the competition in the business world gets. This is because brilliant ideas keep popping up. Whether you are a career person or an entrepreneur, to further the growth in your field or company, requires you to be confident and outspoken.

You either have to speak to your team or speak to your boss, perhaps make a pitch, convince investors. Whatever the case may be, public speaking is required, which brings us to the topic of the day…

Stage fright!!!

Stage fright has a way of claiming you up. It starts off as a great idea swimming in your head, but your mouth seems to have a mind of its own and just won’t open up to put it into words the moment you have been given the open floor. It is of utmost importance to be able to communicate ideas with trust and eloquence, irrespective of your personal or professional history. So many people have chickened out of presentations, chucking mind-blowing ideas due to this.

So, how do you get over stage fright?

1. Recognise the problem

It is called Glossophobia, a fancy name for the fear of public speaking. The good news is unlike other disorders, it is not dangerous and can be overcome. This is pointed out by Healthline and characterized by symptoms such as rapid heart beating, sweating, dizziness, tongue-tied, the urge to get away, etc. Aah, does that sound just like you? It’s not your ‘village people’ trying to ruin your business or career, it’s a phobia and you can get over it.

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2. Visualise your accomplishment

Now that you’ve recognised that oppressive monster for what it is, it’s time to tackle it. What are the reasons for the fear? ‘Oh, crap, I forgot my lines’, ‘I will fall off this podium’, ‘they will think my idea is stupid’ or ‘my English will be terrible’. LOL, many of those kinds of thoughts.
Counter the negative thoughts with direct opposites. Say instead ‘They will think my idea is brilliant’. According to Addicted2Success, it’s a well-known scientifically-proven fact that the best way to counter negative mental chatter is with positivity.

3. Practice

Practice does make perfect. But it has to be purposeful and headed towards a goal. Bestselling author Anders Ericsson, in his book, introduced the concept of purposeful practice that he defines as a focused process toward a well-defined and specific goal. There are a variety of skills to learn to become an effective public speaker. See characteristics of a public speaker on Magnetic Speaking. Rehearse everything you are going to say until it becomes as easy as saying your name.

4. Shift your focus

What is it that you are set to achieve? Are you meeting a need? Focus on that; concentrate on the true purpose and why you are so passionate about sharing this information. Let the value of what you are about to communicate or share with your audience drive you.

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5. Adopt a relaxation technique

Practice techniques that can help you relax your body and mind. Try deep breathing, soothing music, yoga, meditation and the likes.

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6. Adopt a healthy lifestyle

It will do good to eat healthy meals, exercise, sleep at the right time to avoid stress.

7. Connect with your audience

Another way you can overcome stage fright is by actually connecting with your audience. When you can do that, they tend to relax and look warmly at you, giving you the encouraging look you need to continue your speech. Think of them as friends rather than agents from the pit of hell, smile and greet people. When you can do that, you’d be at ease and talk to them like you were addressing your friends.

8. Mistakes are not forbidden

While we plan a perfect presentation, sometimes, mistakes sieve through and it can be quite discouraging. But don’t let that deter you. Give up trying to be perfect and know that making mistakes is OK. Be human, be on your own.

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