Your Health And Your Smartphone

Have you joined the train and bought the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7? How about Samsung a90 5G phone? That is one for the bigger guys. The point is, year after year, new smartphones would flood the market, and we will rush to the market to get better newly improved phones. Who no like better thing?

The minor problem here is, while we can barely do without these devices, they have not been very kind to our physical health. And if care is not taken, they could land us in severe medical predicaments. So, what do we need to know and do?

1. Mind your posture

Ever heard of the term ‘Text neck’? It is when you bend over the screen with your neck cricked. Todd Lanman, a spinal neurosurgeon at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, said gazing down at our phones for hours every day, means we are reversing the typical backward curve of the neck which can lead to neck and spine injuries. So take a good posture and make sure your neck is not awkwardly bent.

2. Wipe your phone

Do you know our phones carry as many germs as our bank notes? Mention one place you haven’t taken your phone. It’s been to the kitchen, market, office, floor, table, bed, some even take it with them to the toilet…eww to that! Now, you understand the level of germs we’re talking about here? So, clean your phone often to reduce the number of germs you come in contact with.

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3. Don’t walk and text

Hey, do not roll your eyes. It’s true. You want to quickly WhatsApp Ada, that you just saw Kingsley, and you can’t wait till you get to the class or wherever it is you are going. How about you stop or sit, then? If you keep walking, you might run into a tree, twist your ankle or encounter any other hurtful mishap.

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4. Protect your eyes

According to OnHealth, too much exposure from the shutter wavelength blue light emitting from your phone may contribute to heart disease, eye defects, and other health conditions. To prevent these, download an app that reduces and protects your eyes at night. And most importantly, reduce your phone time when the sun is down.

5. Replace cracked screen

With cracked phone screens, you put your fingers at risk from cuts when you try to swipe through it repeatedly. If your phone screen has severe cracks, you could hurt yourself with small glass fragments that tear into your tendons. Ouch!

6. Stop texting and driving

It is another major cause of accidents. Some people, while behind the wheel, are either texting or answering a call or making a video for their Instagram page. So wrong and against driving rules. You could endanger your life and the lives of others in your way.

Is this enough or do you have some more you think we should add? Let’s learn more in the comment section.


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