A wallet and some credit cards

Help Your Bank Account, Review Your Lifestyle

If becoming more financially disciplined was one of your 2019 resolutions, you still have about three months to fix up by making some lifestyle changes.

Check them out:

a. Cutting Down on Unnecessary Subscriptions

Fun fact: You are currently subscribed to at least four entertainment services. It’s crucial to ensure that these subscriptions aren’t draining you.

One way to do this is to cut down the unnecessary ones. For instance, If you’re subscribed to three movie streaming platforms (e.g Netflix, Hulu and HBO Go), it’s best to choose one. You could also swap out Cable TV for a streaming platform and vice versa. The same applies to music streaming platforms and others.


b. Curbing Your Sweet Tooth

If you live in a city like Lagos where some numerous restaurants and bistros could easily make you forget you have a kitchen at home, you’ll probably find yourself eating out a lot. However, remember that these food outlets don’t care if you’re rich or not; they need your “dough”. So, if you love yourself, eat out less and try homemade meals. You can wake up early in the morning to make yourself a nice, decent meal for work. By doing this, you’ll be spending way less, and you won’t have a mini-heart attack when you see a debit alert after having lunch.


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c. Living Within Your Means

Don’t go broke trying to look rich, yo! Trying to please your friends or random strangers on the internet with a false display of affluence is a wrong move. Don’t buy things you don’t need to impress others. Before you buy something pricey, ask yourself (and be as honest as possible): Do I really need this or am I just buying it to look cool/rich? Don’t switch to a lifestyle that you can’t maintain. In the words of Kizz Daniel: ‘No go dey do pass yourself.’

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d. Staying In

Another great way to save cash and avoid going broke is to chill at home. It’s simple and requires some discipline. Stay home, chill, relax, watch a movie or binge some TV shows while munching on some cheap snacks. Going out every weekend could take a toll on your bank account quicker than you think.


e. Shopping Wisely

Take yourself out for some fun; harmless shopping could quickly turn into a regrettable experience if you don’t plan well. Whether you’re shopping online or going into a physical mall, you need to ensure you aren’t breaking the bank in a bid to look good. Avoid impulse buying, plan, have a budget to stop you from going overboard. If you suck at bargaining prices, take a friend who’s good at it, to help you out. You’ll end up buying things for half the price or even less. However, if going shopping with a friend(s) causes you to spend more, go solo.


Which of these lifestyle changes are you willing to embrace? Share with us!

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