Four Soft Skills You Most Likely Weren’t Taught in School

Soft skills are personal attributes that support situational awareness and enhances an individual’s ability to get a job done. Unlike hard skills, which describe a person’s technical ability to perform a defined task, soft skills are broadly applicable across job titles and industries.

It is widely said that while hard skills might get someone an interview, soft skills will help that person get (and keep) the job.

We’ve put together a short crash course to educate you on some of the skills you weren’t taught in school. You’re welcome!

1. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence Diagram

Have you ever wondered why many people find it hard to empathize with others and handle certain situations without flaring up or yelling? It’s because they lack emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability to know, control, communicate and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships in a discreet and empathetic manner.

According to Positive Psychology, being more emotionally intelligent allows you to connect with others, understand them better, and live a more authentic, healthy, and happy life.

2. Financial Literacy

"News, glasses and calculator"

Here’s a not-so-fun fact: most individuals in our generation do not understand money and how it works. We all want to secure the bag, but we’re confused about making, managing and investing money. Luckily, we’ve got a Personal Finance column that gives you a fun, relatable and insightful look into everything money-related. You should also make certain websites like Forbes & Reuters are always on your radar.

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3. The Art of Negotiation


Negotiation is a top skill you’ll require in every aspect of life. Whether you’re at the market, in an interview or with a client; you’ll realize that negotiation is a valuable tool.

Negotiation is very strategic, and the aim is to ensure that you and the other party can reach a point of agreement and achieve a result that is acceptable and favourable to both parties.
To negotiate and reach the desired outcome, you must go through certain stages. Read more here and here.

4. Critical Thinking

Young black man thinking

According to, much of our thinking is biased, distorted, uninformed or prejudiced. Critical thinking is the ability to think logically and rationally, to assess situations and information. It involves objective analysis and evaluation of the provided information.

Critical Thinking involves skills like Analysis, Communication, Creativity, Problem Solving and Open Mindedness. To engage in good critical Thinking, you must evaluate the sources such as data, facts, observable phenomenon, and research findings. You can read more here.


What other soft skills do you think you should have been taught in school?

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