Studies & Bae: The perfect balance

There’s no gainsaying that studies and love life are essential to you as a student. While you need your education to launch a career and be relevant, you need bae for moral and psychological support. Wink[OO1]!

Even though both have a way of conflicting with each other, should you then ditch one for the other? We think not! See where to draw the line below:

1. Share dreams and aspirations.

Before you start that relationship, he/she must understand what your goals are, so that they know what is to come. Let your partner understand your passion for knowledge.

2. Become study partners.

Aww…don’t you find this cute? It brings to pass the saying ‘Kill two birds with one stone’. Not only do you get to face your studies, but you also get to spend as much time as needed with bae. Never mind if you don’t belong in the same department. You can both go to the library, read separately, while seated together.

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3. Be disciplined.

It could get tricky, and before you know what’s going on, you’re already carried away by bae and your studies suffer. Make sure ‘study time’ is not swapped for ‘playtime’. Be disciplined.

4. Have a schedule.

It’s not enough to be determined and disciplined; you need an actual arrangement. Draw up your activities and put timelines. As much as possible, stick to the schedules.

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5. Enter a mutual agreement

You can’t be in a relationship all by yourself. For all the mentioned points to be useful, both of you must be willing to make it work. Communication, compromise and agreement are the key points. Study hard together, then you’ll both have ample time for each other, without either party bearing the brunt of it.

Hey, you don’t have to give up on love for studies because that person might be ‘The One’ and don’t give up your studies either for love because love without a detailed plan and a good career is nothing.

What do you think? Can you balance both now? Or you’ll just chuck relationship for later? Let us know your thoughts on this.

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