If you hate working late, this is for you

Have you ever planned a date or outing with friends after work but found yourself still hunched over, typing away at your desk some minutes to the designated time? Do you often find yourself always at work two hours after closing time despite planning to leave ten minutes after closing? If this happens often, you might have a time management issue.

And here’s how to curb it…

a. Schedule and organize

If you don’t already make daily to-do lists, you need to start doing so ASAP. This habit will help you a great deal at work by improving your productivity, helping you manage your time and giving you a sense of responsibility and satisfaction. So, create a to-do list at the beginning of each day and make them time-bound (Add the time you expect to complete each task). If more tasks come up, add them to the list.


b. Eat that frog

In other words, STOP PROCRASTINATING! Avoid pushing tasks forward when you can do them now. Make sure your most pressing and urgent tasks are done first thing in the morning, so you can get them out of the way and focus on other tasks. If you do this often, your productivity levels will spike.


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c. Reduce your screen time

Hey, it’s good to take some time to catch up on the latest gist, videos and trends on the Internet (as it helps us ease off the stress). However,  it becomes a problem when it starts to affect your productivity. Therefore, stop spending valuable time scrolling through social media feeds that aren’t work-related, and particularly during office hours.


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d. Learn to say NO

If you want to make it far, you’re going to learn how to say ‘No’ politely and professionally to certain requests. For instance, if a colleague asks you to help them execute a task or take a walk when you’ve loads of work on your desk, you should decline. Piling up tasks is never a good idea.


e. Know your rhythm and flow with it.

Know how best you work. Are you more productive after you’ve had lunch or is that when you start feeling sleepy? Do you work best in the morning after breakfast? Know your work habits and use them to your advantage. Maximize your most productive hours and use them to tackle your very challenging tasks. By actively doing this, you’ll be able to manage your time better.



How do you manage your time at work? Share your tips with us in the comment section below!

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