If you won a million naira jackpot, what would you do?

Hey you! If you won a million naira, what would you do? Go shopping, head to a travel destination, start a business or carry out a charity project? While you’re figuring out what to do with the money, you should consider the following:


  1. Take a professional course to improve your skill

These days, people don’t get jobs in the same field as what they studied in school. You find a computer engineer working as a cashier in the bank, or an industrial chemist working in an ad agency. The point is that you never know where life would take you. So, if you happen to win a million bucks, make sure to invest in a skill set you have passion for, which can earn money from in future.400

  1. Save some of your winnings

You have probably heard the adage “save for the rainy day”, which means that you should have some savings for future occurrences. So, if you land a jackpot today, don’t use up the entire money in one go, save a little to cushion your future from financial constraints. Remember, nobody knows what will happen tomorrow.

  1. Invest

Across the FCMB Group, there are different investment options to suit your needs. So, whether you prefer fixed deposits offered by First City Monument Bank or mutual funds managed by First City Assets Management, the important thing is for you to invest some of your money and enjoy the right returns. Find out from your FCMB account officer what plans are available and how much you’ll need to get started. If you don’t have an FCMB account yet, you can open one here in just four minutes.

  1. Go on a shopping spree
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It’s okay to spoil yourself and have a little fun. So, go get yourself some nice outfits; shoes and accessories to match. You can even plan for a spa session. Makes sense, right?

  1. Visit another African country

Many Nigerians often don’t think about tourism when they have the cash to spare; and even when they do, not a lot have an interest in visiting other African countries. It’s not a bad idea to experience another African country and learn some geography, too. It would definitely be worthwhile.


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  1. David Reply

    This really nice from what I’m seeing even if u don’t know what to do with the money u can do the school and im prove ur skills thanks

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