Can’t sleep? No need to pop a pill

When you consistently have difficulty falling or staying asleep, what you have is most likely a sleeping disorder known as “Insomnia”. It can cause fatigue, weak immune system, high risk of diabetes, heart disease, dry eyes, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure and even chronic pain.

Insomnia doesn’t materialise on its own, it is birthed out of habits or other circumstance which include but not limited to:

  • Drinking coffee, iced tea (not beverages and milk), energy drinks and soda.
  • Eating a large and heavy meal right before bedtime.
  • Excess sleep during the day.
  • Working late into the night.
  • Using the laptop, phone or TV screen before bed.
  • Consuming that second glass of wine with your dinner which would likely arouse and wake you in the middle of the night.
  • The use of certain medications, nicotine and even chocolate right before bed.

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That said, do you know that insomnia can be curbed without popping pills and turning into a drug addict? Yes! Just…

  • Engage in relaxing bedtime routines right before you go to bed. You can listen to calm music, too.
  • Make sure your room is void of noise and occasional disturbance.
  • Have a warm bath before bed. Ah…that soothing effect.
  • Before bed, do some relaxing exercises such as yoga, mindful breathing and progressive muscle relaxation.
  • Protect your sleeping environment from bugs, cockroaches and mosquitoes.
  • Avoid spending your day in shadows. Get enough natural light to help your brain wake up and regulate your body’s rhythm.
  • Go to bed when you feel sleepy, don’t fight or postpone it.
  • Turn off notification sounds on your phone that are likely to wake or distract you.
  • And last but not least, stick to a regular sleep schedule, every day of the week.
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There you go! Insomnia days are over.
Do you have difficulty sleeping at night? What methods have you used in trying to curb it? Tell us all about it in our comment section.

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