6 signs your male BFF likes you.

If you are female and in a close relationship with a guy, it’s not so difficult to tell if they have developed feelings for you. Just watch out for the signs below and voila, you’ll be able to clear your assumption.


  1. He always wants to hang out with you

If your BFF is very excited to hang out with you, he might just be having butterflies in his stomach.


  1. Watch out for signs of shyness and awkwardness

If your male friend displays signs of shyness whenever he hangs out with you, he might be crushing on you badly. He would smile sheepishly for no reason and always laugh at your jokes. Girl!! He’s into you.


  1. Will always support you no matter what

Even though you’re at fault, your BFF will always be there to defend you.

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  1. He doesn’t mind if other people think you’re a couple

He probably grins ear to ear when people assume you are dating each other.



  1. When he pays more attention to you than any other girl

He enjoys spending more of his time with you than any other girl. He also seems to ignore other females whenever he is with you.

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  1. He gets jealous when other guys come into the picture

Notice his reaction when you tell him about a guy who asked for your number. If he gets weird or emotional about it, he likes you a little bit more than ordinary.

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What other signs can tell you if your male best friend likes you? Share with us in the comment section below.

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