7 signs that show you’ve been friend zoned by your crush

Having a crush on someone is a natural occurrence that can happen to anybody. If you’re a guy crushing on a lady, however, you shouldn’t assume that you’re in a romantic relationship with her just because she plays cool with you. In fact, while you’re busy having butterflies in your stomach, she may have friend zoned you.

Want to know where you rightfully belong? Here are seven tell-tale signs that you have been friend zoned. Stay WOKE!


  1. She asks you about other girls in your life: Girls do this for two reasons. First, it is to know if they fit into the category of girls you’d love to be in a relationship with; and second, it’s to give you red flags. This isn’t a harmful question per se, but if it comes up regularly, take it as a sign that she isn’t interested in you.


  1. She always addresses you as a friend: When you first start out, of course she’ll refer to you as a friend. If you, however, notice that as time goes on, she keeps introducing you to people as a good friend of hers, just accept your fate in the friend zone.


  1. She avoids being seen with you; If she avoids being seen with you, especially in public places, it’s probably because she doesn’t want people to get the wrong idea. That’s clearly a red flag.


  1. She talks about her hookups: This is the worst part about being in the friend zone. You’ll hear her talk to you about all the guys she’s totally liking and you’re not even on the list. Oops!
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  1. She always brings a third wheel when you invite her out: If this happens the first time, it’s okay because you guys are getting to know each other. But if it’s something she does anytime you invite her out, she clearly doesn’t want you to be more than friends with her.


  1. She’s in the habit of calling you a brother from another mother: This is a terrible situation to be in. It clearly means there’s no hope for you to go past the friend zone.


  1. She tries to set you up with her friend: If she’s always trying to match make you with her friends or suggests to you how she thinks her female friend is good for you, it’s an obvious sign that she doesn’t see you as someone she wants to date.



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Source: www.lovepanky.com

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