6 Things to Consider When Living Alone

 6 Things to Consider When Living Alone

Moving out of your parent’s home as an unmarried male or female in this part of the world is steady becoming mainstream, as more and more young adults are starting to live solo. For a lot of people, this can both be exciting and scary.

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From the excitement of having your freedom, to the anxiety that sets in when you realise you’re no longer within parental comfort & confines, will have you on a rollercoaster of emotions.

However, if you’re new to living solo or about to, then these are some things you should consider:

  1. You’re responsible for yourself. With your new-found freedom and privacy comes great responsibility and a heightened level of awareness. This means you can get to eat ice-cream for breakfast, but it also means you should know better to feed your body healthy and nutritious foods. With no parent to caution you, your health and general wellbeing now lie in your hands.
  2. Finances are a big deal when you live alone and you must learn to manage your money. Your rent, feeding, clothing, flex money and all forms of bills are yours to deal with and you will need to create a budget/plan for how they’re going to be sorted. Open a savings account to save up, cut out unnecessary expenses, create steady sources of income and live within your means to avoid being financially overwhelmed.
  3. Home management skills are a must-learn. Picking up essential skills such as changing a light bulb, cleaning/laundry, etc. will make your life easier. Practise ways to DIY (Do It Yourself), because doling out cash at all times to have your home maintained will have you broke in no time.
  4. Solo living = Solo loving. Your friends/family may come to keep you company sometimes, but for the most part, you will be alone and that is a good time to learn to know and love yourself. View your time alone as a time of self-discovery rather than isolation. So, figure out ways to keep yourself entertained/engaged without getting bored.
  5. Don’t be shy to ask for help. You’re young and still figuring things out, therefore, it is only normal that you make mistakes or find yourself stuck in a rut. Reach out to people for advice/assistance when you need it. (it’s not a sign of weakness).
  6. Carpe Diem! Don’t get consumed with all the things that you need to do that you forget to live in the moment. Your time alone is a phase and you should allow yourself to enjoy the present.
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Lastly, living alone is an excellent avenue for young adults to learn essential life skills. At its initial stage, it may seem daunting, but with proper management, preparation and the right attitude, it will be one of the best decisions you’ll make in your adult years. Share this with a friend who needs to see this.


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