5 Ways To Stay Relevant In Your Profession

5 Ways To Stay Relevant In Your Profession

If I were to mention an industry, your mind would automatically go to a particular person, right? Be it Tech, Fashion, Food, Arts, Sports, Blogging etc. The importance of being relevant in today’s fast-paced world cannot be quantified and not only will it keep you marketable but also dynamic.

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Yes, some might be more popular than others, but relevance trumps popularity at any given time. That being said, these five tips will teach you how to increase your chances of success in your chosen field.

  • Create content that shows expertise and leadership. Your social media is not just for content consumption but also for content creation and promotion. When you consistently create content that educates, inspires and entertains your audience with trends, tactics and general information, you’re solidifying your presence as a go-to resource for knowledge and expertise in that certain field. This way, your content helps in building trust and makes you gain relevance.
  • Stay informed of industry trends. Be abreast of all that is happening within your industry. There are tons of niche websites that tailor their content to specific topics; subscribe to their newsletters, set google alerts, do your research and take advantage of published knowledge
  • Collaborate across industries. Take a cue from the greatest countries, and companies in the world; they hardly ever work in isolation. If you make shoes, for instance, collaborate with fashion blogs/feature pages to share your knowledge on how best to care for your shoes. Sharing your knowledge and skills with other experts from numerous fields will for sure keep you relevant
  • Upskill. Yesterday’s keys may not necessarily tomorrow’s doors. New technologies, strategies and ways to increase productivity are being released at the speed of light in today’s world. Therefore, you must stay hungry for knowledge and keep yourself relevant by being familiar with new skills and technologies
  • Stay teachable. The truth is, nobody knows it all. In your career/business journey, you’re bound to meet people who you’ll learn from. Knowledge can be gotten from anyone and anywhere, therefore, have an open and discerning mind and be ready to learn from the experience and inexperience of others on your journey to relevance
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Do you know any other ways to stay relevant in your field? Share with us in the comments.

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