A phot of a gym filled with equipment

Random Things That Happen at The Gym

Random Things That Happen at The Gym (9MOBILE 01096 30068 82779)

If you’ve ever been to a gym, you know that it’s not just a boring place where people come in to work out alone. Wherever there are humans, there’s bound to be a lot of hilarious and chaotic things going on, and the gym is no different.

Here are some random things that happen at the gym:

Seeing all kinds of fitness equipment you’ve never seen before

If it’s your first day at the gym, you might get confused for a while. You’re familiar with the treadmill, dumbbells, rowing machines and kettlebells, but now you’re seeing power cages, power towers and cardio steppers, wondering what in the world all these ‘machines’ are for.

People trying to flirt with you

Some people go to the gym to look for their fitness bae. Period. They scan through all the members and look for their ‘spec’ and try to use ‘clever’ ways to approach them. Some will come and offer to start some small talk and flirt with you, hoping to spark a romance. 💀💀

Watching people work out like they are preparing for war

You look around and see people going at it with the equipment- sweating it out and lifting dumbbells that look that they could be the same weight as a human being and you’re wondering if they are training to fight in the war or beat someone up. Is it not just to keep fit? Haba.

Dealing with your first workout pain experience

Some people enjoy the pain that comes with working out because they’ve gotten used o it. However, when you’re a newbie, you know that the pain is no joke. (That’s why it’s important to start little by little and avoid going overboard.)

Hearing all kinds of sounds

Someone grunting. People talking loudly at each other over the loud music. Someone yelling. Someone…moaning?

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People taking selfies and videos for the ‘gram

They walk into the gym, work out for about 10-15 minutes, then take several mirror selfies and videos. Others are vloggers; taking hands-free videos and time-lapse videos of themselves working out.

Watching people fight over equipment

Maybe a member of the gym has been using the spin bike for almost an hour, even though others are waiting to use it. Someone finally walks up to him, asking him to let others use it. It turns into a confrontation and before you know it, there’s a lot of yelling and insults flying in the air until people intervene 😂

Perceiving an unhealthy mix of odours

Some folks use all the equipment, working out for hours and sweating profusely knowing fully well that they didn’t use deodorant. Next thing, the whole place is smelling funky and you have to figure out a way to hold your breath while working out. A nightmare.

Seeing sweaty but marks on the benches

You’ve seen way too many in your lifetime. 😅

Pretending to know what you’re doing on your first day

You have no idea how that equipment works but you go and use it, trying to act all cool, calm and collected even though you’re praying under your breath that you don’t accidentally fall down or damage something. 😅

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