Workplace Friends

Which of These Workplace Friends Do You Have?

While making friends at work is a tricky thing, it doesn’t hurt to try —and keep healthy boundaries, of course. We spend a significant amount of our time at work and as social beings, we often develop friendships with the people we work with.

Here are ten types of workplace friends. Which of them do you have?

The Foodies

They are your go-to people when you need to order food because they have all the apps and contact numbers of restaurants and food vendors. You’ve visited all types of restaurants and food outlets together and you always go out together during lunch hours.

The Co-Commuters

You live in the same area, so you often come to work and leave together. You’ve entered all kinds of transportation together- taxis, danfos, BRTs, keke marwas and more, together.

The Advisors

You go to them for advice because they always have words of wisdom. They are probably the only ones that you can confide in and share personal information with.

The Unofficial Significant Others

You both like each other and everyone can tell, even though you’re both in denial. You often catch yourselves staring at each other, acting awkwardly around yourselves because there are and even pretending to hate each other clearly sparks in the air.

You have a Jake Peralta- Amy Santiago/ Pam Beesly-Jim Halpert type of relationship.

The ‘Co-Debators’

You always argue with each other about everything- from football to music, movies and more. If an event happens over the weekend, you’ll be arguing with them about it on Monday morning.

The Helpers

You help each other out with everything- navigating office software, using work tools, tech issues, buying food, looking for apartments, getting gift ideas, and more. You’re always down to assist each other, no matter what.

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The Turn-Up Buddies

They know about all the fun, hang-out spots in Lagos, and they always seem to have tickets to all the cool events. They’ll stop by at your desk to ask what you’re doing over the weekend, and invite you to a fun event.

The Matchmakers

They’re always trying to set you up with their friends and family members because they’re tired of you being single. For some reason, they believe they know someone that you’ll make a perfect match with.

The Gist Partners

You’d be bored at work without them. You spend so much time gisting and making jokes with each other.

The Frenemies

You have a pretty strange type of friendship- you’re very casual with each other but when it comes to work-related issues, you fight and argue a lot. You could hang out on weekends but have heated arguments about projects during the weekdays.

So, which of these types of friends do you have?

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