Youtube Iccon

Dreaming of Becoming The Next Big YouTuber? Here Are Some Tips

Once you learn the ropes and hone your skills, you can turn YouTube to a money-making machine. If you have lots of content ideas floating around in your head, now is the perfect time to execute them and bring them to life.

If you dream of becoming the next Fisayo Fosudo or Jackie Aina, you’ll need to start from somewhere, even before you start uploading your content.

Here are some tips :

Know your Niche

Before you begin, it’s essential to determine what kind of content you want to put out:

  • What are three things you are passionate and knowledgeable about?
  • Are there topics you can talk about for hours and hours without getting tired?
  • What topics excite and interest you the most?

Write your top three options down and rate them on a scale. You can choose two topics that are closely related to each other.

Build and Improve Your Skills

  • Achieving success on YouTube requires a lot of skill. YouTubers make it look pretty easy because they’ve honed their craft over a period of time. If you want to make the most of your YouTube channel and optimize it for growth and viewership, these are some critical skills you need. A lot of them can be learnt on YouTube and developed over time:
  • Video Editing: Learn how to structure, edit and add effects to your videos to make them more appealing.
  • Speaking in Front of A Camera: Learn how to talk to your virtual audience without sounding scripted, work on your tone, your delivery, your body language, posture, building your confidence and more.
  • Graphic Design: Learn how to design catchy icons, thumbnails and images to make your channel look more appealing and exciting.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Learn how to optimize your videos to appear at the top of search results on YouTube by using target keywords, compelling thumbnails, custom-made captions and more.
  • How to Use A Camera: Learn how to use your camera: the angles, lighting, positioning and more.
  • YouTube Settings & Analytics: Learn how to use the different YouTube features, as well as the analytics, which help you measure your channel’s performance and provide you with insights to help you get better results.
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3. Do Things Differently

As with every other platform, YouTube is very saturated with content creators making use of the platform to engage their audience and monetize their craft. If you want to stand out from the crowd and get noticed, you’ll have to learn how to do things differently.

Let’s say you’re a makeup artist looking to create content and join the online beauty community, how can you set yourself apart and make your channel #1 spot for all things beauty? You’ll have to think of ideas and incorporate elements in your channel that are different from what others are doing.

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4. Make Your Videos Short and Engaging

It’s 2020, and attention spans are reducing. If you want people to keep coming back to your channel, you have to make your videos concise and engaging. If you’re going to make your videos a bit long, you should ensure they are engaging from the very beginning so that you can retain viewership to the end.

5. Research

To create relevant content, you’ll need to do a lot of research to gain insights into the interests of your target audience. What do they want to learn? What do they want to watch? Are there topics and areas that haven’t been tapped into by other YouTubers? Doing this research will guide you and provide you with information about what kind of content you should create.

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You can also ask your friends, create polls on Twitter or share Google forms and surveys to get feedback on what people are interested in.

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