special someone

How To Make The New Year Special For Someone Without Spending A Dime

How To Make The New Year Special For Someone Without Spending A Dime (GLO 3263 97972 71389)

Do you have savings for the New Year? Keep it. Or better still, use it in achieving your financial goals. This article will be showing you how to make the New Year special for that friend, family member or partner without spending a dime. Whatever your relationship, these ideas will cause it to blossom.

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1. Serenade with music

There is almost no one who doesn’t like music, so serenading that special someone, especially when you have a lovely voice, will be adored. In case you don’t have a fine voice, just rap (LOL) or sing it like you can, sounding awful is one way to make them laugh and happy.

2. Watch movies together

There are so many movies to choose from, romance, comedy, action or drama. Did you watch last year’s Christmas movies? You can reminisce with that. As long as you spend that quality time laughing over a movie with your loved one, it will definitely be a good way to start the New Year.

3. Share your meal

You don’t have to go buy extra foodstuff to prepare a buffet. The same way you’d spend on your meal, make an extra plate for that special person. Just make sure the food tastes delicious enough to leave a lingering aftertaste that will make them smile whenever they remember.

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4. Invite them over for games night

With the year just starting and everyone busy either with skill acquisition or career, winding down with some games over the weekend will definitely be a solid way to make him/her special and relaxed.

5. Call or send a message

If you can’t be with them, because of the hustle and bustle of the New Year, that’s okay. You can still call and let them know how special they are. You can also send a text message, as long as it’s not bland or something from Whatsapp popular BC. Send a heartfelt message telling them the impact they’ve made in your life or how much you appreciate them.

6. Offer to help

There is always something to give. It doesn’t have to be your money buying a gift or sponsoring an outing. You can also give your time and services. For that loved one, visit him or her and help whichever way you can.

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