
10 Tips On Giving Comfort During A Crisis

How much time do you think it would take to offer comfort to someone who truly needs it, especially after going through one crisis or the other? Don’t answer that, it was a rhetorical question.

You most likely would have a lot on your plate, job, studies, family, relationships, projects and so on. But it is also important to show empathy and be conscious of the feelings of those around us.

It doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone that there are many who need to be consoled, counselled and helped in this challenging season. Some people have lost their loved ones and different clashes. There have also been vandalizing of stores [personal properties] and loss of business.

These steps will guide you on how you can contribute your quota to keep people from sliding into depression or losing themselves to grieve;

1. Contact the person


Once you have found someone you know that is hurting or withdrawing from society, reach out. This is not a time to say ‘It is none of my business’ or ‘If she truly needs help, she would call me’. People in crisis most times feel alone. Step up and make that call or visit the affected individual.

2. Listen

Do not barge in giving advice already. First, listen to what happened and why they are in that state before you the advice you believe will be helpful. Allowing them to tell their story is already a therapeutic process because it helps them clearly see the mess they are in and how they view it.

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3. Be there

When listening, be physically and emotionally present. Do not start thinking about the meeting you will miss if you don’t leave within the next hour. Nod when you should, provide your shoulder to be cried upon and the like.

4. Do not be judgemental

‘You shouldn’t have…’ should not be in your vocabulary for that moment. No matter what you think was the root cause of the problem, right there and then is not a good time to capitalise on it. Keep the scolding for later, your job is to comfort.

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5. Bring food

It could be homemade, their favourite from an eatery, ice cream, drinks, etc. Bring them comfort food to savour on. Good food can help calm their agitated mind.

6. Follow up

The fact that you called or visited once doesn’t mean you’ve done all you could. For your good deed not to look like eye-service, keep calling and find out the current situation on things. You don’t have to disrupt your calendar for this, just remember to follow up once in a while.

7. Render support

Now that you’ve listened to all they have to say, you need to offer solutions. If it is in monetary terms, give whatever support you can afford. If you can’t do it alone, rally for help and render any kind of service you can.

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8. See a professional

There will be situations where you can do almost nothing but console. They could be depressed, suicidal or reach any other precarious point where they will need the help of a therapist, psychologist or medication. Advise them to see a professional or you can call one up for them.

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