good cause

How To Support A Good Cause Without Breaking The Bank

Are you looking to do some good in these times where many are lacking in food and basic amenities due to the pandemic? Then, you are reading the right article. You do not have to be an NGO or come from a wealthy family before you can contribute your quota.

You too can support different good causes with these easy and selfless steps;

1. Donate old but good clothes

good cause

Year after year, we buy a new piece of clothing and grow weary of the old, especially when they become out of fashion. These clothes tend to pile up and occupy space. Instead of discarding or leaving them messy all-around your wardrobe, you can select the ones that are still intact and donate them to the poor in your area or send them to a home for the homeless.

2. Render a service

good cause

You can look at your neighbourhood and sieve out those who need help. Help fix a roof, paint a wall, lift heavy items, sweep a compound, an online service, etc. Whatever it is, as long as it’s fulfilling a need, you can be a part of supporting a good cause.

3. Prepare a feast

good cause

Make your folks, neighbours or any area you choose, happy by cooking. Buy what you can afford and make that delicious dish. It shows that you care and makes them feel loved.

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4. Visit an orphanage


If you do not want to have to make conscious demanding efforts, you can take foodstuffs or groceries to an orphanage home, a home for older people, prison and the homeless folks. Please donate what you have for your chosen group and let the officials handle its distribution themselves.

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5. Check on someone


Still not interested in the list above? Then, you can check on someone by a simple phone call. Listen to people lament about their problems, whether you have a solution or not.

6. Give words of encouragement


It shouldn’t always be about you and your problems. Listen to other people and proffer solutions. Seek out contacts who are depressed or anxious as a result of the effects of the pandemic in their finances and encourage them.

7. Organise events online

Put your knowledge to good use. What are you good at? What programmes can you organise to give others a sense of value and responsibility? For example, you could teach a craft online or educate on specific topics and so on.

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