Obama Gif

Some of The Best Gifs of All Time

Giphy is the gift that keeps on giving, with its catalogue of memes perfect for every moment. It’s incredible how gifs have become such a huge part of social media culture. Most times, they say precisely what we feel like saying with a few moving images.

Here are some of the coolest gifs to use when you need to react to a scenario, reply a text or say something without using words.

Sudden Realization


This gif from ‘The Wire’ is perfect for those scenarios when you randomly realize something you’ve been oblivious to for a while. Like when you find out that two of your friends have been secretly dating for a while on Twitter.

‘Oops, I’m Outta Here’


When you realize you’ve gotten yourself into a pretty situation (like sliding into the wrong DM), this gif of Homer Simpson backing away will be of great use.

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This gif of Will Ferrell crying while drinking a glass of wine will come in handy when your favourite team loses a major match and your friend trolls you for it.

Cry Baby


You know those scenarios when you wake up on a Monday morning, and you honestly want to sleep for some extra hours? This is the official gif.

Yeah Right


Is your cheating boyfriend giving silly excuses after confronting him on WhatsApp? Hmm. Send him this gif to let him know that you can see through the lies.

READ  The History Behind Some of Your Favourite Memes and Gifs



Here’s a gif for those moments when you can’t believe your eyes.

‘Who? Me?’


When your mum accuses you of something you did, via the family WhatsApp group chat.

Mic Drop


Perfect for those moments when you know you just stated facts and schooled someone. S/o to the 44th President of the US for this gif.

Sips Tea


This gif of Baby Yoda sipping tea is excellent when there’s some hot tea or news that just dropped, and you’re merely observing or when two people start fighting on the group chat.

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