Beware Of CoronaVirus Information Scams

Hey Flexxer!

As the Coronavirus continues to spread and create anxiety across the globe, scammers are exploiting the situation by sending malicious and phishing emails to spread malware.

The emails appear to come from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is a real organization in the United States, and they recommend some actions regarding the coronavirus.

They claim that the CDC has “established a management system to coordinate a domestic and international public health response” and urge recipients to click a link that allegedly contains information about new cases of infection around their city.

Please be informed that this is a scam.

To avoid falling victim, it is critical to always pay attention to the details of every email received. In particular:

  • Look out for red flags, such as the email address of the sender.
  • Be wary of email attachments or links seemingly leading to websites where you can get information about Coronavirus, especially where such emails are unsolicited or come from a sender who is unknown to you.

Stay vigilant. Stay safe.

#FCMB #MyBankAndI

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