Young lady watching a video on her laptop in bed

Bored? Here Are Some Interesting Stuff You Can Watch On YouTube

When you’re bored and in need of some exciting entertainment to give you an extra kick, these YouTube channels and shows will keep you company:

73 Questions

In 73 Questions by Vogue, some of the world’s biggest stars answer 73 questions asked by an anonymous interviewer. The series has featured stars such as Kim Kardashian, Cardi B, Michael B. Jordan, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga and more.


If you’re a foodie or aspiring chef looking to feast your eyes and learn how to make the most delicious meals from around the world, Tasty’s page has got you covered. Trust me, you’ll never get bored.

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Jubilee tackles some of the world’s biggest issues by bringing different people with different opinions to share their views. The channel has shows such as ‘Middle Ground’, ‘Spectrum’, ‘Both Sides’ and more, which will have you questioning your ideologies and gaining knowledge about new world views.

Song Association with Elle

Elle’s fun singing game show ‘Song Association’ brings your favourite singers to a studio, to play a fun game where they have to sing a song with a word in it, in less than 10 seconds. It’s super exciting and it’s an opportunity to hear artists cover other people’s songs, acapella style.

Open Door by Architectural Digest

With ‘Open Door’, celebrities invite you to take a look at their fancy homes, meet their families and get an inside look into their world. It’s a modern, fancier version of ‘MTV Cribs’.

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Hot Ones

Want to see your favourite celebrities sweat and answer the hottest questions while eating the spiciest, hottest wings? You should check out ‘Hot Ones’. It’s absolutely hilarious and meme-worthy. Plus, you get to see the biggest stars in the tensest situations. Quality entertainment.

TEDx Talks

You’ve probably watched one or two TEDx talks. Individuals from different countries and industries share their insights, thoughts and topics. If you love watching people talk, learning new things and self-development, you should watch them.

What other shows do you watch on YouTube when you’re bored?

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One Comment

  1. Iyinoluwa Reply

    As a designer, I mostly watch videos from Chris Do’s TheFutur. I have watched a few Jubilee videos too.

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